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ICCR Visiting Professorship of Indian Studies
(For visiting faculty from India)
CUHK and the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) have established cooperation in the ICCR Visiting Professorship of Indian Studies. Under this Programme, CUHK will host a visiting Indian professor nominated by ICCR who will spend two years to engage in teaching and research on campus. This will be an opportunity for academic departments at CUHK to exchange teaching experience and build research collaborations with Indian scholars. In addition, CUHK students will be able to receive teaching from Indian scholars without having to travel to India.
ICCR will meet costs relating to the salary, allowance and return international air passages of the visiting professor, while CUHK will pay an honorarium to the visiting professor and provide him/her with accommodation and medical coverage. The host department at CUHK will be responsible for providing an office space and clerical assistance pertinent to the functioning of the visiting professor, and arranging two public lectures termed the “ICCR Lecture on India” for the visiting professor each year during his/her term of service. The Office of Academic Links and the Human Resources Office at CUHK will be responsible for making other necessary arrangements including visa coordination, housing, and other institutional courtesies.
Applications are invited on an annual basis. For enquiries about the programme, please contact Ms. Olivia Kwok, Office of Academic Links, on 3943-1315 or at oliviakwok@cuhk.edu.hk.