Mangrove ecosystems project awarded by WUN
The Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) is a network of 24 research-intensive universities across six continents with a mission to create opportunities for international collaboration in research and education. It offers the annual Research Development Fund (RDF) to seed fund research collaborations among member universities with a view to stimulating larger projects for major external grants. Since 2012, CUHK has won 18 projects as lead and participated in some 60 projects led by other member universities under the RDF.
This year, Prof. Martin Tsui of the School of Life Sciences received an award from the RDF for his project ‘Controls of Mercury Toxicity by Subtropical and Tropical Mangrove Ecosystems’ which engages Mahidol University, University of Ghana, and University of Technology Sydney (UTS). In addition, two CUHK researchers are involved in two projects led by the University of Alberta and UTS in the areas of mental health and public health.
RDF provides a great opportunity for faculty members, especially the early-careers, to expand their network and build international collaborations. To learn more about the scheme, please refer to OAL’s website.