Call for application
The following programmes are open for application:
McDonnell International Scholars Academy
CUHK students and alumni are now invited to apply for the McDonnell International Scholars Academy (McDonnell Academy) at Washington University in St. Louis for the admission to one of a select group of full-time doctoral or master’s degree programmes in the 2023–24 academic year.
The McDonnell Academy is a scholarship programme which aims to cultivate a community of culturally and academically diverse leaders who will address the world’s most complex challenges by driving positive and lasting change.
Applicants should submit the personal essay as required by the McDonnell Academy to the Office of Academic Links (c/o Ms. Alice Leong; hyleong@cuhk.edu.hk) by 12 January 2023 for review. A full application with the essay, a letter of recommendation and a short video should be submitted to the McDonnell Academic online by 31 January 2023.
For details, please refer to the webpage. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Alice Leong at hyleong@cuhk.edu.hk. Applicants are advised to send a copy of their application to the Office of Academic Links (c/o Ms. Alice Leong; hyleong@cuhk.edu.hk) for record.
MCQST Postdoc Fellowships in Munich, Germany
The Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST) is offering two postdoctoral fellowships in quantum science and technology.
1. Distinguished Postdoc Fellowship (Deadline: 22 January 2023)
The fellowship aims to fund excellent female postdoctoral researchers. MCQST offers funding for one year, on the condition that the host MCQST group commits to funding an additional year through other means. For further information, please visit the webpage.
2. Junior Researcher START Fellowship (Deadline: 22 January 2023)
The fellowship aims to support young talents on their transition from postdocs to independent researchers. With a total budget of EUR 300,000 for a period of two years, the fellows have the opportunity to start their own scientific project in one of the research areas of MCQST. For further information, please visit the webpage.
For more information of the fellowships, please refer to the programme website. Should there be any question, please feel free to contact support@mcqst.de. Applicants are advised to send a copy of their application to the Office of Academic Links (c/o Ms. Alice Leong; hyleong@cuhk.edu.hk) for record.
Ernst Mach Grant for PhD Students and Post-Docs
The Ernst Mach Grant is inviting applications from PhD students and post-docs for a research scholarship for 2023-24. The grant provides support to PhD students and post-docs to undertake short-term research attachments at universities in Austria.
Terms of Award
- Duration of visit: 1-9 months
- Value of award:
- €1,050 per month for PhD students
- €1,150 per month for post-docs
- The award is meant to cover accident and health insurance, accommodation, visa, daily-life and travel expenditures. Recipients may receive an additional travel subsidy of up to €1,000.
- Recipients are exempted from tuition fees.
- The OeAD (Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation) can provide logistic support on health insurance as well as accommodation.
For PhD students:
- Be registered as a PhD student at CUHK at the time of application and during the visit
For post-docs:
- Hold a PhD degree
- Hold an academic position at CUHK at the time of application and during the visit
Other Requirements:
- Applicants must not have studied/pursued research or academic work in Austria in the last six months before taking up the award
- Applicants should be born on or after 1 Oct 1988
- The scholarships will only be awarded for projects that can be completed within the approved period
Eligible Fields of Study / Research
- Agricultural Sciences
- Arts
- Human Medicine, Health Sciences
- Humanities
- Natural Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Technical Sciences
Interested applicants should submit their application online with the required documents. The closing date is 1 February 2023.
Please visit here for more details. For enquiries, please contact mach@oead.at. Applicants are advised to submit a copy of their applications to the Office of Academic Links (c/o Ms. Alice Leong; hyleong@cuhk.edu.hk) for internal record.
Global Fellowship Scheme offered by University of St Andrews, UK
The Global Fellowship Scheme offered by the University of St Andrews, UK is now calling for applications.
Aim | Global Fellowship Scheme at the University of St Andrews provides funding support to enable talented scholars from around the globe to spend up to one month at St Andrews.
Awarded fellows will be able to undertake a course of research and study, explore potential collaborations, enhance existing relationships, advance research work, and find the space to think in an inspirational environment. |
Date |
Eligibility |
Terms of Award |
Application | Interested participants should complete the application form and submit it with an academic CV both in PDF format to globalfellows@st-andrews.ac.uk by 1 March 2023. |
For more information, please refer to the flyer and the programme website. Should there be any question, please feel free to contact globalfellows@st-andrews.ac.uk. Applicants are advised to send a copy of their application to the Office of Academic Links (c/o Ms. Alice Leong; hyleong@cuhk.edu.hk) for record.