Call for application
The following programmes are open for application:
Faculty and PhD Student Mobility Schemes for 2019–20
The Internationalisation Faculty Mobility Scheme and PhD Student Mobility Schemes for 2019–20 are open for application. Applications should reach the Office of Academic Links by the respective deadlines.
A. Internationalisation Faculty Mobility Scheme (Deadline: 10 April 2019)
The Internationalisation Faculty Mobility Scheme encourages faculty members to engage in outbound and inbound visits with universities and institutions overseas for exploration and development of institutional/faculty/departmental-level collaborations as well as collaborative research with leaders in frontier research in different fields. The scheme allows faculty members to pursue international academic exchanges to strengthen ties with institutions overseas. Faculty members are encouraged to apply to these schemes to undertake/host research visits during 1 August 2019–31 July 2020.
1. For CUHK outbound applicants
2. For inbound visiting applicants
B. PhD Student Mobility Schemes (Deadline: 3 April 2019)
The schemes aim to enhance research excellence at CUHK through building and strengthening the University’s ties with selected partner institutions and to increase the visibility of CUHK as a world-class research university through student mobility. Selected CUHK PhD students will receive a sponsorship of HK$15,000-HK$50,000 while visiting PhD students will receive free on-campus accommodation. PhD students are encouraged to apply to these schemes to undertake short-term research attachments during 1 September 2019–31 August 2020.
1. Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence (for CUHK and visiting PhD students)
2. PhD Student Exchange Programme (for CUHK PhD students)
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Olivia Kwok on 3943-1315 or mobilityscheme@cuhk.edu.hk.
ACU Early Career Conference Grants 2019
The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Early Career Conference Grants are now inviting applications. The grants support early career academics who have not participated in an academic conference outside their home region.
In 2019, a total of 30 grants will be offered by ACU, with a maximum amount of GBP 2,000 each. The grant must be used to participate in a conference between 1 June 2019 and 31 December 2019 and can be used to cover travel and visa costs, conference fees, accommodation, and subsistence.
Application is now open till 31 March 2019. For further information on the grants, eligibility and application details, please refer to the webpage. For enquiries, please send an email to earlycareergrants@acu.ac.uk. Applicants are advised to send a copy of their application to the Office of Academic Links (c/o Ms. LAI Ching Yee; chingyee@cuhk.edu.hk for necessary follow-up.
Scholarship for Postgraduate Programme in the UK
The MSc Sustainable Development is a 1-year programme offered by the University of Exeter. Based on the Penryn Campus in Cornwall, the programme explores the economic, environmental, and social issues surrounding sustainability policy. There are four pathways which students may pursue, including Environment, Human Health and Wellbeing; Environmental Change; Sustainability and Governance; and Managing Complex Systems.
A scholarship of up to £30,000 is available for an outstanding MSc student currently resident in Hong Kong or mainland China to start the programme in September 2019. The scholarship is funded by Exeter alumnus Norman Ho (Economics 1976) through the Ho Tim Foundation (the tuition for international students in 2019/20 is £20,600). Application closes on 26 April 2019.
For more information about the programme and the scholarship, please click on the above hyperlinks. For enquiries, please contact cles-externalrelations@exeter.ac.uk.