Maximising university experience away from home
About a quarter of CUHK undergraduate students go on exchange during their university life. They undertake exchange for various reasons: getting to know new friends from different backgrounds; equipping themselves with new academic and interpersonal skills for their future careers; taking courses at a foreign environment and transferring the credits towards their degree programmes.
Incoming students encourage CUHK students to go on exchange at their universities.
CUHK students are interested to learn more about the host universities.
CUHK students can apply for the exchange programmes of the subsequent academic year every October. A series of activities are organised by the Office of Academic Links to promote the numerous exchange opportunities all over the world. This year, representatives from seven partner universities visited CUHK on 28 September 2018 to promote their programmes. Incoming and returned exchange students shared their experience and encouraged CUHK students to go on exchange.
Partner universities put up booths to promote their programmes to CUHK students.
The online application system for CUHK Student Exchange Programmes in summer 2019 and the academic year of 2019-20 is available on CUSIS from 4 to 31 October 2018.
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