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United Board Fellows Programme

(For visiting faculty and staff from the United Board’s partner universities)

CUHK and the United Board cooperate in the United Board Fellows Program, which offers an opportunity for mid-level faculty and administrators selected for leadership positions by their home institutions to work with mentors in the US and Asia over a two-year period. Fellows spend one semester in residence at a host institution in Asia, and one semester at a host institution in the US. During the placement, the fellows learn about administrative and academic management at the host institutions, as well as leadership concepts and practices. The mentors meet weekly with the fellows and assist them in a programme of leadership development.

The United Board Fellows Program is run biannually by the United Board. All scholars must be nominated by their home institutions. Qualified nominees are interviewed by United Board representatives and selected on a competitive basis. Fellows are selected for their academic and teaching excellence as well as their leadership potential. To learn more, please refer to the United Board website.