Advancing SDGs through soil health research
Researchers from CUHK and USYD share their latest research and explore collaborative projects.
CUHK and The University of Sydney (USYD) have identified each other as a strategic partner and both share strong commitment to advancing the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To encourage collaboration in sustainable development, the two universities are organising a series of SDG-themed events.
Following the success of a workshop on Zero Hunger and Response to Climate Change held earlier this year, a virtual symposium on ‘Soil Health and Sustainability’ was organised in November with the aims of understanding each other’s strengths and creating synergy. Co-chaired by CUHK’s Prof. Jerome Hui of the School of Life Sciences and USYD’s Prof. Budiman Minasny of the School of Life and Environmental Sciences, the symposium featured seven other speakers who shared their works around plant-microbes interaction, soil microbial diversity, macrofauna in soil, soil and climate change, and soil genomics. CUHK’s speakers included Prof. Hon-ming Lam, Prof. Ting-fung Chan, and Dr. Michelle Law of the School of Life Sciences, and Prof. Derrick Lai of the Department of Geography and Resource Management.
Well attended by some 40 participants from both universities, the symposium culminated in a roundtable discussion of future collaboration. On the way forward, more researchers will be invited to join the CUHK-USYD Soil Health Working Group with the goal of developing joint projects and grant applications.
CUHK researchers who are interested in joining this exciting endeavour with USYD are welcome to contact OAL.