Fuelling post-pandemic recovery with internationalisation schemes
A range of internationalisation schemes will be rolled out to support the University’s global engagement efforts.
Global partnership is key to shaping the future of international higher education in the post-pandemic world. To support partnership development with institutions overseas and strengthen the capacity of CUHK, the Office of Academic Links will roll out a range of schemes for faculty members, postdocs and PhD students in the next few months.
The International Joint Supervision of PhD Students Scheme provides centrally-funded RPg places for 2023–24 Admission. Last year, the scheme awarded 10 places for joint supervision of PhD students with nine institutions. This year, 15 RPg places are offered. The priority partners for the current round include the University of Auckland; the University of Chicago; the University of Manchester (UoM); the University of Queensland; the University of Sydney (USYD); National University of Singapore; University College London; University of California, Los Angeles; University of California, San Diego; University of Exeter; University of Toronto, and Utrecht University. Application will soon open.
The Dr. Barbara Kwok Young Postdoctoral Researcher Travel Grants will also invite applications soon. The Grants aim to recognise research achievements of CUHK early-career researchers through the provision of financial support to attend conferences, seminars, and short-term visits/training outside Hong Kong which would further their professional development and career advancement.
Applications for other schemes, including Strategic Partnership Award for Research Collaboration (SPARC), PhD Student Mobility Scheme and joint funding schemes with UoM and USYD, will be invited in Spring 2023. Please stay tuned for the announcements.