Giving to UC

Donation Details

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General Enquiries:

Ms Memory Lau
Tel: 3943 7584

Fung Kwok Pui

The Professor Fung Kwok Pui Fund is initiated by a group of alumni graduated in early years and in overseas. The Fund is set up to support the student exchange activities of GOAL Programme and appreciate the contribution of Professor Fung Kwok Pui as the Head of United College for 10 years.

Ciaran F. Kane
Memorial Prize

Father Ciaran F. Kane was the founding Director of Adam Schall Residence since 1970s. Father Kane has made invaluable advice and guidance to the development of the College and was loved and respected by the College community. To honour Father Kane’s distinguished contribution to College, a memorial prize is set up for outstanding students of College.

United College
Student Learning
Support Fund

To support a variety of College and student activities, scholarships and awards, such as “GOAL Programme Scholarships”, “UC First-in-the-Family Tertiary Education Admission Scholarships”, etc. This fund is also used to cultivate personal morality in students and provide strong base for their all-round development. Your support on a monthly basis, however small or large, is greatly appreciated.

GOAL Programme Scholarships

To keep pace with globalisation and broaden its students’ international outlook, United College  launched the comprehensive Globe-Oriented Active Learning Programme in 2008. Supported by a wide range of scholarships and financial awards, students have many opportunities to participate in non-local learning activities organised by the College or co-organised with other units of the University. The GOAL programme encompasses long-term and short-term student exchanges, language and cultural learning programmes, research and internship projects, and many more. Through engagement in various cultural settings, students can learn to live and interact with people from different parts of the world. Donations of any amount are welcome. For donations of HK$30,000 or above, the grants can be named after the donor.

UC First-in-the-Family Tertiary Education Admission Scholarships

To encourage students of United College who are the first generation in the family to pursue tertiary education at United College, the College has established “First-in-the-Family Tertiary Education Admission Scholarships” since 2009-2010. Eligible students are awarded HK$2,500 each. Donations of any amount are welcome. For donations of HK$30,000 or above, the scholarships can be named after the donor.

Hostel Residence Grant

The grant provides financial support to needy students to enable them to have a residential College life of advancement in academic performance and for better participation in various activities on campus. Eligible students are awarded HK$2,720. Donations of any amount are welcome. For donations of HK$30,000 or above, the grants can be named after the donor.

United College Ming De Xin Min Alumni Fund

The United College Ming De Xin Min Alumni Fund supports students in extracurricular activities such as leadership training programmes, environmental protection action plans, whole person development awards, etc. The fund is also used to improve student facilities.

United College Ming De Xin Min Alumni Prizes

The Prizes are named after the graduation years of United College alumni. At HK$1,000 each year, they are awarded when the fund accumulates to HK$30,000 for a particular graduation year. An endowed award will be established if the fund of the graduation year reaches HK$300,000.

Construction of New Student Hostel / Increase of Hostel Places

The funds raised will be used as part of the capital in building a new student hostel or increase hostel places to accommodate more students.

Award Recipient Ming De Xin Min Alumni Prize

Donated by former scholarship recipients of United College, the award is given to students with outstanding academic performance. Once the donation reaches HK$300,000, the award will become permanent. 

United College Staff Prize

Donated by members of the United College Assembly of Fellows, this prize is set up to reward students with outstanding academic performance. When the donation reaches HK$300,000, the prize will be permanently granted to students.

Student Union College Service Prize

Initiated by the United College Student Union, the prize is given to students with active participation in college activities and eminent service to the College and fellow students. When the donation accumulates to HK$300,000, the prize will become permanent.

Courage and Contribution Award

The award is set up by alumni of the College to encourage students who exhibit their courage and contribution spirit in reaching for their goals.

UC Hang Seng Hall Alumni Association Award

The award was initiated by the alumni of Hang Seng Hall of United College and is granted to the final-year Hang Seng Hall students who have contributions to the College and the Hall.

Professor Sheung Chung Ho Memorial Scholarship

Professor Sheung Chung Ho, a renowned scholar in Chinese Language and Literature, taught in the Department of Chinese Language in United College since 1960s and enjoyed great popularity throughout his lectureship. Funding for this prize is raised by his former students. This scholarship is to be awarded to United College Students in Department of Chinese Language and Literature.

Mr Joachim Poon Memorial Scholarship

Mr Joachim Poon is our beloved and respected teacher of PE Unit. Mr Poon had served the College from 1964 after receiving his master’s degree in physical education in US. He was also an outstanding basketball player and a representative of Hong Kong in different international competitions. To honour Mr Poon, alumni raised funding to establish this Scholarship. The Scholarship is to be awarded to United College students with contributions to physical education to carry forward Mr Poon’s spirit.

United Alumni Newsletter Publication /
Mailing Cost

A quarterly publication focuses on the latest news and concerns of United College Alumni, we welcome your contribution to cover the publication and mailing cost. Donor acknowledgements are printed on the Newsletters.

United We Advance Publication /
Mailing Cost

Named after the 50th Anniversary slogan of “Together we Innovate, United We Advance”, the publication United We Advance is launched to promote the College spirit and strengthen the bond of College members. We welcome your contribution to cover the mailing and publication expenses.

United College Hostels

Donations are welcome to support student activities of the four hostels of the College, namely, Adam Schall Residence, Bethlehem Hall, Chan Chun Ha Hostel and Hang Seng Hall.