About Us > People
SUN Lei (孫磊)
Instructor (UPS, Putonghua)
Telephone: 3943 5925
Office: LG11, Leung Kau Kui Building
Email: lsun@cuhk.edu.hk

8/2011-12/2014 Master of Arts in Chinese (major in Chinese Language)
City University of Hong Kong
9/2008-7/2009 Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as an International Language
Hong Kong Institute of Education
9/2009-7/2012 Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
The Open University of Hong Kong
9/1998-7/2002 Bachelor of Arts in English
China University of Political Science and Law
Working Experience
Assistant Lecturer Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK
Delivering lectures of Chinese language courses
Providing academic and administrative support to relevant units
Teacher for the Basic Chinese Course (part-time) School of Education and Languages of The Open University of Hong Kong
Delivering lectures of the online Basic Chinese Course
Developing learning and teaching materials
Providing academic and administrative support to relevant units
Educational Assistant Clear Water Bay School (English Schools Foundation)
Teaching support to the classes of Pathway One and Pathway Two
Leading teaching groups
Executive officer/ Teacher/Coordinator of undergraduate student affairs/ Secretary of teaching
College of International Studies
China University of Political Science and Law