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Lunch Seminar 通識午餐聚會

Online Teaching and Learning: Challenges and Opportunities during COVID-19

日期 Date : 2021-04-27 (星期二 Tuesday)
時間 Time: 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
形式 Venue: ZOOM
講者 Speakers:

Dr. Cheung Hang Cheong Derek (Office of University General Education)
Dr. Han Dongkun (Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering)
羅翠嬋女士(資訊科技服務處 教研支援服務主任)
Ms. Judy Lo (Head of Academic Support Services, Information Technology Services Centre)

語言 Language: 英語 English





韓東昆博士則會展示三種網上教學方式以解決不同類型的體驗式學習問題。首先是在是UGEB1307「能源與綠色社會」一科運用的 “Flipped Online Laboratory”:學生透過事先(即不同步)在網上學習實驗視頻,然後在網上實驗室(同步)製造太陽能汽車。韓博士與團隊進一步開發了改良版本 “Flipped Online Laboratory Plus”,並於UGEB2303「動感機器人」一科應用。“Flipped Online Laboratory Plus”由具有遙距控制技術的真實機器人去建構網上實驗室。為求精益求精,韓博士團隊之後更推出專業版本的“Flipped Online Laboratory Pro”,主要特色包括:1. 構建無人的機器人實驗室;2. 配備自動評估技術,評估學生的實驗室表現;3. 提供以人工智能為基礎的學習支援和個人化教育,讓學生從大數據分析中學習電腦程式。韓博士亦會分析在現有通識科中應用相關教學方法的成效。

羅翠嬋女士將闡述教師在疫情期間任教通識網上實時課堂經常遇到的挑戰,並分享資訊科技服務處(ITSC)現有幫助老師和學生解決問題的支援資源和服務。除了ZOOM,ITSC亦計劃引入一些新的資訊軟件(如Respondus Monitor, Gradescope, Piazza, Proctorio, Examsoft)以供教師試用,羅女士將於是次講座中稍作介紹。

Brief Description

2020–21 has been a year of challenge and change. Teachers and teaching units in CUHK have put tremendous efforts in adapting to online teaching and learning during the pandemic time. Discussion-based lessons are greatly challenged in respect of interaction between teacher and students and communication among students. Apart from that, hands-on skills training is of essential importance in many science and engineering related general education courses, like robotics, electronics, mechanics and renewable energy. A major concern in online/distance education is how to overcome the problems associated with laboratory components. Besides, various IT support teams in the University have been providing a lot of assistance to both teachers and students on online teaching during the pandemic. What new instruments will be introduced in the future?

In this GE Lunch Seminar, we invite Dr. Cheung Hang Cheong Derek, Dr. Han Dongkun, and Ms. Judy Lo to share their experience of online teaching. Dr. Derek Cheung will share his ZOOM lesson design, which attempts to enhance students’ engagement in the ZOOM discussion of the General Education Foundation course UGFN 1000 “In Dialogue with Nature”. Learning support tools that can facilitate students’ independent learning will also be introduced.

Dr. Han Dongkun will demonstrate three eLearning pedagogical approaches he introduced to address the issue of hands-on skills training at different levels. Firstly, flipped online laboratory is proposed and implemented in UGEB1307 “Energy and Green Society”. The basic underlying idea is that an online (synchronous) laboratory could be conducted with the help of flipped (asynchronous) laboratory instructions for students to make solar powered cars. Secondly, based on the flipped online laboratory, an improved version flipped online laboratory plus is developed and implemented in UGEB2303 “Robots in Action”. The main modification is that the online lab is constructed based on a real robotic laboratory with real robots under remote control technique. Finally, a further polished version, flipped online laboratory pro, is generated. The key distinct features are: 1. It makes unmanned robotic lab possible; 2. It incorporates automatic assessment technique on students’ performance in the lab; 3. AI-based learning assistance and personalized education are provided for studying computer programming based on big-data analysis. Dr Han will also demonstrate the effectiveness of the three versions of flipped online laboratory in the existing general education courses.

Ms. Judy Lo will go through a few common challenges GE teachers face when they deliver real-time online classes during COVID-19 and share some support resources and services available to help teachers (and students) cope with the challenges. In addition to ZOOM, a few new IT solutions have been or will be offered for teachers to try during COVID-19. Ms. Lo will briefly go through these new IT solutions (e.g. Respondus Monitor, Gradescope, Piazza, Proctorio, Examsoft) with the audience and share how teachers can try out these new solutions if they are interested.





Speakers' Bio

Dr. Cheung Hang Cheong Derek obtained his Bachelor of Science and PhD degrees in Biochemistry from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is a lecturer at the Office of University General Education and is primarily responsible for teaching one of the General Education Foundation courses UGFN1000 In Dialogue with Nature. Through interactive dialogue in class, he strives to cultivate his students to becoming a reflective person who can scrutinize his/her underlying values, beliefs, and presuppositions from multiple perspectives. As a general education teacher, Dr. Cheung is active in developing online micro-modules and educational mobile applications to meet the diverse needs of students with different academic background. He also conducts pedagogical research on evaluating the effectiveness of various learning activities for continuous refinement on the lesson designs. Dr. Cheung received the Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education 2018 and Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2018.

Dr. Han Dongkun is currently a lecturer at the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering. He earned his PhD degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from The University of Hong Kong. From 2014 to 2016, he was a research scientist at the Department of Informatics, Technical University of Munich, Germany. From 2016 to 2017, he was a research fellow at the Department of Aerospace Engineering, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States. He now teaches three General Education courses: UGEB1307 Energy and Green Society, UGEB2303 Robots in Action, and GENA1113 Student-Oriented Teaching and Seminar. He received the Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education 2018, and Dean’s Exemplary Teaching Award of the Faculty of Engineering in 2019.

Ms. Judy Lo joined the Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) of CUHK in 2006. She is now the head of the Academic Support Services (Education Technology) in ITSC. Together with colleagues at the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR), Judy works with teachers to adopt new technologies and pedagogies to enhance teaching and learning. She also leads the instructional design and media production service team of the Centre for eLearning Innovation and Technology (ELITE).

報名 Registration

電郵 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(截止日期 Deadline: 23-04-2021)


Lunch Seminar 通識午餐聚會

Building College Life under the New Normal: Challenges to Colleges and Their Responses

日期 Date : 2021-04-14 (星期三 Wednesday)
時間 Time: 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
形式 Venue: ZOOM
講者 Speakers:

高永雄教授(崇基學院 副院長 / 學生輔導長)
Professor KO Wing Hung (Associate Head & Dean of Students, Chung Chi College)
鄭玉嬌女士(崇基學院 學生輔導處行政主任)
Ms. CHENG Yuk Kiu Amy (Administrative Manager, Dean of Students’ Office, Chung Chi College)
招志明博士(善衡書院 通識教育主任)
Dr. CHIU Chi Ming Lawrence (Dean of General Education, S.H. Ho College)
黃雅筠小姐(善衡書院 通識教育辦公室 書院發展主任)
Ms. WONG Nga Kwan Phoebe (College Development Officer, College General Education Office, S.H. Ho College)

語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese



Brief Description

College life plays an irreplaceable role in the whole-person education of a university. With a long history, Colleges in CUHK have extended students learning from classrooms to all aspects of campus life effectively. While the pandemic has lasted for more than a year, the university community is making efforts to adapt to the new normal with online teaching. Campus life becomes virtual. How can students, especially freshmen, adapt? How can they establish social connections and develop sense of belonging to the Colleges? In what ways they can seek assistance when encountering academic and financial difficulties? In response to these students’ needs, how would the Colleges tackle the challenges in a new way? Apart from teaching online, are there any alternatives? In this GE Lunch Seminar, speakers from Chung Chi College and S.H. Ho College would share their experiences on providing related assistances to encourage students to join college activities, in a way to build up a sense of belonging to the College. Colleges would also provide different platforms that allow students of various study years to organize activities to consolidate existing connections and to forge new ones to help freshmen to adapt to university life.

報名 Registration

電郵 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(截止日期 Deadline: 12-04-2021)