Associate Professor
Professor LEE Wing Yan, Vivian 李詠恩
Address |
502, Hui Yeung Shing Building,
Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T. |
Phone |
(852) 3943 8012 |
Fax |
(852) 3942 0918 |
E-mail |
vivianlee@cuhk.edu.hk |
- Qualifications
- Background
- Research
- Publications
2018 |
Senior Fellow |
United Kingdom Higher Education Academy |
2011 |
BCPS with AQ in cardiology |
American College of Clinical Pharmacy |
1998 |
Doctor of Pharmacy |
University of Southern California, Los Angeles |
1994 |
BSc (Biochemistry) |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Awards, Honours, and Achievements:
Teaching Award |
1. |
Faculty Education Award 2018, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK |
2. |
University Education Award 2014, Chinese University of Hong Kong |
3. |
Master Teacher Award 2011/12, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK |
4. |
Teacher of the Year Award 2011/12, School of Pharmacy, CUHK |
5. |
Vice Chancellor’s Exemplary Award 2010, Chinese University of Hong Kong |
6. |
Teacher of the Year Award 2010/2011, School of Pharmacy, CUHK |
7. |
Teacher of the Year Award 2009/2010, School of Pharmacy, CUHK |
8. |
Teacher of the Year Award 2008/2009, School of Pharmacy, CUHK |
9. |
Teacher of the Year Award 2006/2007, School of Pharmacy, CUHK |
Research Award |
1. |
2018 Preventative and Clinical Cardiology Prize for the paper entitled “High Stroke Risk of Patients Aged >=65 Years with Screen-Detected Atrial Fibrillation: Collaboration and Meta-Analysis of 15 Screening Studies. Heart, Lung and Circulation. 2018;27:S53-S54.” (Presented at the CSANZ 2018 - 67th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, 2-5 August 2018) |
2. |
Excellent Paper Award for the paper entitled “A SWOT Analysis of Blending Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) in the Classroom” by Hodgson P, Lee VWY, et al at the International Conference on Open and Innovative Education 2018 organized by the Open University of Hong Kong (4-6 July 2018) |
3. |
Poster Commendation Award for the paper entitled “The Impact of Interprofessional Education in the Community” by VWY Lee et al at the CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO 2017. |
4. |
Best Poster Presentation Award for the paper entitled “Collaborative-Approach To improve teaching And Learning Yielding Sustainable and Translational outcomes (CATALYST)” by VWY Lee et al at the CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO 2016. |
5. |
International Partnerships Development Programme Award 2014-15, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
6. |
Excellent Health Promotion Project Award for the project title “Joint Nursing-Pharmacy Health Promotion Programmed for Hidden Elders in the Community” by VWY Lee et al at the Health Promotion Symposium 2015 organized by the Food and Health Bureau, the Government of HKSAR. |
7. |
Best Poster Presentation Award for the paper entitled “Impact of Pharmacy Outreach Service on Detection and Education of Atrial Fibrillation in Hong Kong Community Elderly.” By VWY Lee et al at the Hong Kong Pharmacy Conference 2015. |
8. |
Best Podium Research Award for the paper "Does the Current Recommended Target LDL Goal Improve Survival for Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients in Hong Kong?" by VWY Lee et al at the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 6th Asia-Pacific Conference, Beijing, China, September 2014 |
9. |
Top 50 Abstracts “Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of left atrial appendage occlusion device compared with 7 pharmacological strategies for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation.” by VWY Lee et al at the Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2014 (World largest Cardiology Meeting) |
10. |
Best and Highest Graded Presentation Award “Cost-Effectiveness Of Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion Device Compared With Five Alternative Anticoagulation Strategies For Stroke Prevention In Atrial Fibrillation: A Markov Decision Analysis” by VWY Lee et al at the Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2012 |
11. |
Best Poster Presentation Award “A Pilot Study on Seminar and Web-based Platform to Improve Safe Use of Medications and Health Products in Children” by VWY Lee et al at the 23rd Hong Kong Pharmacy Conference, Hong Kong, February 2011 |
12. |
Best Contributed Podium Presentation Awards for "Statin Utilization in primary prevention in patients with Diabetes Mellitus in Hong Kong" at the ISPOR Second Asia-Pacific Conference, Shanghai, China, Mar 2006. |
13. |
Best New Investigator Poster Presentation Award for the paper "Evaluation of the use of Proton Pump Inhibitors in a public local hospital in Hong Kong" by VWY Lee et al at the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 5th European Congress, Rotterdam, Nov 2002. |
General Information
Research Expertise: Clinical outcomes research utilizing the skills of interprofessional education, clinical pharmacy, health technology assessment, pharmacogenomics and innovative technology to improve patient care.
Researcher ID: B-9389-2008
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5802-8899
Loop ID: 518425
Dr. Vivian Lee is currently Associate Professor at the Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research and the University Associate Dean of Students at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). She is also the Associate Professor (By Courtesy) at the Faculty of Medicine and the School of Pharmacy at CUHK. She is also the honorary faculty of the University of Southern California. Dr. Lee is a certified Specialist by the Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties (US) in Pharmacotherapy with added qualification in cardiology pharmacotherapy. She is also the Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Pharmacy Practice and the Senior Fellow of the United Kingdom Higher Education Academy. Dr. Lee is the member of the High Level Steering Committee on Antimicrobial Resistance of the Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong Government. She was the member of the Hong Kong Pharmacy and Poison Board and the assessment panel member of the Hong Kong Social Workers Registration Board. She also serves as the President of the International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPOR) – Hong Kong Chapter and the member of the Executive Committee, ISPOR Asia Consortium. Dr. Lee was also the section chairperson for the Pharmacy Education and Student Affairs of the Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Association.
Dr. Lee received her bachelor of sciences degree in Biochemistry at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and her doctor of pharmacy degree in the School of Pharmacy, University of Southern California (USC). After completion of her pharmacy training, she had pursued post-doctoral training in Pharmacy Practice residency for one year at the Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena, USA. She has 121 full paper and 212 abstracts publications. She successfully obtained 20 teaching grants including University Grant Council Teaching development grants, courseware development grants and micro-module development grants.
Additional Information
External Service:
Service in Professional Societies
- President, International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research, Hong Kong Chapter (2005 – present)
- Executive Committee Member, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Asia Consortium (2010 – present)
- Member, Chinese Pharmaceutical Association Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Committee (2010 – present)
- Member, AF-Screen International Collaborations Section Chairperson, Pharmacy (2015 – present)
- Education and Student Affairs, Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Association (2014 – 2018)
- Chairperson, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Asia Consortium Advisory Committee (2015 – 2017)
Service in Community:
- Member, Working Group on Drafting the Code of Practice for Registered Pharmacists, Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong (2013 – present)
- Member, High Level Steering Committee on Antimicrobial Resistance, Food and Health Bureau (2016 – present)
- Committee member, Service Development Management Committee, Jockey Club Harmony House (2015 – present)
- Member, Assessment Panel Member (under the category of Other Professionals), Social Workers Registration Board (2014-2019)
- Chairman, Accreditation Panel cum Visiting Team for the reaccreditation of Bachelor of Pharmacy Programme of the University of Hong Kong, Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong (2017-2018)
Professional & Community Service
- President, International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research, Hong Kong Chapter
- Initiation member, Asian Network for Pharmacogenomics Research (ANPR)
- Council Member, Chinese Pharmacogenomics Network (CPgNet)
- Executive Committee Member, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Asia Consortium
- Consultant, Pharmaceutical Society of Macau
- Member, Chinese Pharmaceutical Association Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Committee
- Section Chairperson, Pharmacy Education and Student Affairs, Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Association
- Chairperson, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Asia Consortium Advisory Committee
- Member, AF-Screen International Collaborations
- Advisory Board Member, Hong Kong Drug Education and Resources Centre
- Council Member, Hong Kong Association of Gerontology
- Committee member, Service Development Management Committee, Jockey Club Harmony House
- Member, Working Group on Drafting the Code of Practice for Registered Pharmacists, Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong
- Member, Assessment Panel Member (under the category of Other Professionals), Social Workers Registration Board
- Member, High Level Steering Committee on Antimicrobial Resistance, Food and Health Bureau
- Chairman, Accreditation Panel cum Visiting Team for the reaccreditation of Bachelor of Pharmacy Programme of the University of Hong Kong, Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong
Editorial Service
- Editorial Board Member, Archives of Pharmacy Practice
- Editorial Board Member, Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Medical Economics
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Clinical Toxicology
- Editorial Board Member, MIMS Pharmacy Premier Edition
Honourary Academic/Clinical Appointments
- Associate Professor (By Courtesy), Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
- Associate Professor (By Courtesy), The Nethersole School of Nursing, CUHK
- Associate Professor (By Courtesy), School of Pharmacy, CUHK
- Honourary Faculty, School of Pharmacy, University of Southern California
- Honourary Senior Pharmacist, New Territories East Cluster, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
Competitive Grants
TOTAL: 13; GRAND AMOUNT: HK$ 12,600,746
1. |
Co-investigator, Pharmacogenetics of HMG Co-A Reductase Inhibitors in Chinese Patients with Hyperlipidaemia: a Combined Pharmacodynamic-pharmacokinetic Approach. (CUHK 4472/06M). (Research General Council Grant) 1 September 2006 – 31 August 2008. HK$ 645,410. |
2. |
2. Co-investigator, Health and socioeconomic impacts of drug abuse in Hong Kong – A longitudinal study. Beat Drugs Fund, Narcotic Division, Security Bureau, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region. 1 January 2008 – 31 December 2010, HK$ 2,990,000. |
3. |
Principal Investigator, Joint Nursing-Pharmacy Health Promotion Programme for Hidden Elders in the Community. (Project No. 22080564). Health Care and Promotion Fund, Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR. 1 September 2009 – 31 August 2011, HK$ 299,868. |
4. |
Co-investigator, Efficacy, Safety and Cost-effectiveness of Drug-eluting Stents in Real World Hong Kong Cardiology Practice. (CUHK 478709) Research General Council Grant, 1 January 2010 – 31 December 2013, HK$ 976,770. |
5. |
Co-investigator, The use of B vitamins to prevent cognitive decline in older mild cognitive impairment patients with elevated plasma homocysteine - A randomized placebo controlled trial. (CUHK 466612) Research General Council – General Research Fund, 1 December 2012 – 30 November 2015, HK$ 890,000. |
6. |
Co-Investigator, Randomized controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis of targeted rapid screening for atrial fibrillation using a handheld single-lead ECG device with automated diagnostics and tailored stroke prevention strategy for screen-detected patients. (CUHK 14118314) Research General Council – General Research Fund, 1 December 2014 – 30 November 2016, HK$ 895,000. |
7. |
Co-Investigator, Cilostazol in Retarding Progression of Cerebral White Matter Hyperintensities. (CUHK 14111414) Research General Council – General Research Fund, 1 December 2014 – 30 November 2016, HK$ 800,395. |
8. |
Co-Investigator, Innovation and Technology Fund, July 2016. HK$ 883,215. Development of personalized medicine using Prenetics iGenes pharmacogenomic panel to predict individual responses to cardiovascular drugs. (Co-Investigator) |
9. |
Principal Investigator, Health Medical Research Fund, November 2016. HK$ 100,000. (Project code: 14152111) Impact of pill-splitting training on drug physiochemical properties and clinical outcomes in elderly cardiac population: a crossover cohort study. |
10. |
Co-Investigator, Health Medical Research Fund, March 2017. HK$ 1,199,634. (Project code: 14152616) Effect of RANKL inhibition on healing of bone erosion in rheumatoid arthritis using HR-pQCT. |
11. |
Principle Investigator, Community Investment and Inclusion Fund, November 2016. Health in Community. Labour and Welfare Bureau, HKSAR. HK$ 675,000. (Project number: 0046-27). |
12. |
Co-Investigator, Health Medical Research Fund, March 2018. HK$ 1,199,928. (Project code: 15162991) The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a virtual multidisciplinary stroke care clinic for community-dwelling stroke survivors and caregivers: a randomised controlled trial. |
13. |
Co-Investigator, Effects of a multidisciplinary team-led school-based human papillomavirus vaccination health-promotion programme (MDL-SHPVP) on improving vaccination acceptance and uptake among female adolescents: A cluster randomised controlled trial. Research General Council – General Research Fund, 2019, HK$ 1,045,526. |
Non-Competitive Grants
TOTAL:12 GRAND AMOUNT: HK$ 2,341,000
1. |
Principal Investigator, Clinical impact of genetic polymorphism in the Cytochrome P450 CYP2C9 on the management of warfarin in Chinese patients. (CUHK 2041011). Direct Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1 November 2002 – 31 October 2003. HK$ 60,000. |
2. |
Principal Investigator, Clinical impact of CYP 2C19 Genetic Polymorphism on Proton Pump Inhibitors Metabolism. (CUHK 2041072). Direct Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK$ 65,000. 1 September 2003 – 31 August 2004. |
3. |
Principal Investigator, The Clinical Impact of Behavioural Modification on Carotid Intima-media Thickness. (CUHK 2041379). Direct Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK$ 50,000. 1 February 2008 – 31 August 2009. |
4. |
Co-investigator, Impact of an Interdisciplinary Approach on Symptom Management of Newly Diagnosed Depressive Patients (CUHK 4450271).. Direct Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK$ 40,000. 1 September 2008 – 31 August 2009. |
5. |
Co-investigator, Impact of a pharmacist care programme on cardiac risk in patients with type II diabetes. Diabetes Care Research Fund, Diabetes Hongkong, HK$ 45,000, 1 October 2008 – 30 September 2009. |
6. |
Principal Investigator, AMPOULE – Online Drug Information Platform for the Public in Hong Kong. (Project Code: KTP091126F10), Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (from the Earmarked Fund for Knowledge Transfer provided by the University Grants Committee), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK$ 300,000. 1 January 2010 – 31 December 2011. |
7. |
Principal Investigator, Collaborative Ambulatory Drug Resources for Elderly (CARxE) - Promoting Medication Safety and Improved Clinical Outcomes Among the Elderly Community Through Telepharmacy and Outreach Services (Project Code: 111206F27) Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (from the Earmarked Fund for Knowledge Transfer provided by the University Grants Committee), The Chinese University of Hong Kong. HK$ 280,000. 1 January 2012 – 31 December 2013. |
8. |
Principal Investigator, Impact of Pill-Splitting Training on Drug Physiochemical Properties, Compliance and Clinical Outcomes in Elderly Population: A Cross-over Cohort Study. (CUHK 2041782). Direct Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. HK$ 23,000. 1 August 2012 – 28 February 2013. |
9. |
Principal Investigator, Platform for Atrial fibrillation Care in Elderly and Disadvantaged (PACED). (Project Code: KPF13ICF08). Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (from the Earmarked Fund for Knowledge Transfer provided by the University Grants Committee), The Chinese University of Hong Kong. HK$ 350,000. (1 April 2013 – 31 March 2014) |
10. |
Principal Investigator, Multidisciplinary team for Active and Healthy Ageing in elders of Rural Areas of Hong Kong. (Project Code: KPF15ICF01) Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (from the Earmarked Fund for Knowledge Transfer provided by the University Grants Committee), The Chinese University of Hong Kong HK$ 400,000. 30 April 2015 – 29 April 2016. |
11. |
Principal Investigator, Knowledge Transfer to Engage Secondary School Students for Healthy Living of Elders in Our Community. (Project Code: KPF16ICF21) Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (from the Earmarked Fund for Knowledge Transfer provided by the University Grants Committee), The Chinese University of Hong Kong HK$ 328,000. 30 April 2016 – 29 April 2017. |
12. |
Principal Investigator, BASIC – Broad Antimicrobial-resistance Service-learning & Intervention in the Community (Project Code: KPF18HLF05) Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (from the Earmarked Fund for Knowledge Transfer provided by the University Grants Committee), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, January 2018. HK$ 400,000. 28 February 2018 – 31 January 2019. |
Teaching Development Grants
TOTAL: 20; TOTAL AMOUNT: HK$ 18,360,360.5
1. |
Courseware Development Grant Scheme, Chinese University of Hong Kong, February 2012. HK$ 60,000. Improving Teaching and Learning Outcomes Utilizing Mobile Handheld Devices in Pharmacy Education – iPHARM. (Principal Investigator) |
2. |
Teaching Development Grants for 2012-15, Chinese University of Hong Kong, January 2013. HK$ 380,000 (4170370). Multidisciplinary e-learning platform for medication safety (MELODY). (Principal Investigator) |
3. |
Courseware Development Grant Scheme, Chinese University of Hong Kong, April 2013. HK$ 75,000. Improving Teaching and Learning Outcomes Utilizing Mobile Handheld Devices in Pharmacy Education for Medication Safety (MedSafe). (Principal Investigator) |
4. |
Courseware Development Grant Scheme, Chinese University of Hong Kong, April 2013. HK$ 80,000. Enhancing communication with older people with hearing impairment. (Co-Investigator) |
5. |
Teaching Development Grants for 2012-15, Chinese University of Hong Kong, December 2014. HK$ 200,000 (Project Code: 4170425). Collaborative-Approach To improve teaching And Learning Yielding Sustainable and Translational outcomes (CATALYST). (Principal Investigator) |
6. |
Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant, Chinese University of Hong Kong, December 2014. HK$ 94,000 (Project Code: 4730650). Teaching and Learning Enhancement by Micro-Module in Cardiology Pharmacology and Therapeutics. (Principal Investigator) |
7. |
Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant (Scheme 1: Basic Scheme), Chinese University of Hong Kong, December 2015. HK$ 100,000. (Project Code: 3210735). Translational stimulation by Micro-modules for case studies in Cardiology Therapeutics. (Principal Investigator) |
8. |
Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant (Scheme 3: eLearning Pedagogy Research), Chinese University of Hong Kong, January 2016. HK$ 150,000. (Project Code: 3210763). Effectiveness of e-learning using micro-module in cardiovascular pharmacotherapy for the training of pharmacy students. (Principal Investigator) |
9. |
UGC Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (2016-19). HK$ 500,000. (Project Code: 4170516) Translational Inter-Professional e-Learning platform in Medical Sciences Teaching for Geriatric Care – From Science to Practice. (Principal Investigator) |
10. |
UGC Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (2016-19). HK$ 800,000. (Project Code: 4170494) Interactive Learning through an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment. (Co-Principal Investigator) |
11. |
UGC Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (2016-19). HK$ 499,902.5. (Project Code: 4170494) Enriching baccalaureate nursing students’ higher order thinking skills: Development of a technology-enhanced enquiry-based learning program on management of intravenous therapies. (Co-Investigator) |
12. |
UGC Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (2016-19). HK$ 500,000. Computer Adaptive Testing Promotes Mastery Learning. (Co-Investigator) |
13. |
UGC Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (2016-19). HK$ 14,148,000. Coding, Design, and Global Involvement: Engaging Students in Multi-domain Active Learning Through the Creation of Mobile Apps and an Apps Resource Centre (ARC). (Co-Investigator) |
Recent Publications |
1. |
Lee VWY, Hodgson P, Chan CS, Fong A, Cheung SWL. Optimising learning process with immersive virtual reality (IVR) and non-immersive virtual reality (nIVR) in an educational environment. (In press in International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing) |
2. |
Wang Y, Yan BPY, Nichol M, Tomlinson B, Lee VWY. Is lipid goal one-size-fits-all: A Review of Evidence for Recommended Low-Density Lipoprotein Treatment Targets in Asians patients. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2019; http://doi.org/10.1177/2047487319843077. |
3. |
Lee VWY, Fung AKP, Fong TMC, Yan BPY. Long-term health-related economic burden of adult congenital heart diseases in Hong Kong. Journal of Medical Economics 2019; Epub DOI:10.1080/13696998.2019.1613239 |
4. |
Lee VWY and Cheng FWT. A review of Biosimilars in Hong Kong. Journal of Medical Economics 2019; Epub DOI:10.1080/13696998.2019.1614008 |
5. |
Chau JPC, Lo SHS, Mok V, Choi KC, Lau AYL, Shum WC, Lee VWY, Hung SS, Siow E, Ching JYL, Lam S, Yeung J, Li SH. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a virtual multidisciplinary stroke care clinic for community-dwelling stroke survivors and caregivers: a randomised controlled trial protocol. BMJ Open 2019; 9:e026500. Doi:10.1136//bmjopen-2018-026500. |
6. |
Lee VWY, Cheng FWT, Fong FHY, Ng EEN, Lo LLH, Ngai LYS, Lam ASM. Reply to Poon KH et al on Impact of Branded versus Generic Drug Use in Chronic Disease Management in Hong Kong – Healthcare Professionals’ and Patients’ Perspectives. Hong Kong Medical Journal 2019;25:167-9. http://doi.org/10.12809/hkmj197824. |
7. |
Choon JWY, Wu DBC, Chong HY, Lo WTL, Chong CST, Chung WS, Chui EMC, Tomlinson B, Lee VWY, SC Lee, Lee KKC. Real-world evidence of improved healthcare utilization in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder after early treatment of paliperidone palmitate once-monthly treatment in Hong Kong. Journal of Medical Economics 2019; Epub DOI:10.1080/13696998.2018.1560749 |
8. |
Lee VWY, Cheng FWT, Fong FHY, Ng EEN, Lo LLH, Ngai LYS, Lam ASM. Impact of Branded versus Generic Drug Use in Chronic Disease Management in Hong Kong – Healthcare Professionals’ and Patients’ Perspectives. Hong Kong Medical Journal 2018;24:Epub DOI:10.12809/hkmj177087. |
9. |
Kyaw MH, Otani K, Ching JYL, Higashimori A, Kee KM, Watanabe T, Tse YK, Lee V, Tanigawa T, Cheong PK, Suen BY, Fujiwara Y, Lam K, Arakawa T, Chan FKL. Misoprostol Heals Small Bowel Ulcers in Aspirin Users With Small Bowel Bleeding. Gastroenterology 2018;155:1090-97. |
10. |
Rath PD, Chen DY, Gu J, Lee VWY, Ani NAA, Shirazy K, Llamado L. Anti-TNF biosimilars and intended copies in rheumatology: perspective from the Asia Pacific region. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 2018; 00:1-16. http://doi.org/10.1111/1756-185X.13371. |
11. |
Hon EKL, Leung AKC, Leung TNH, Lee VWY. Investigational Drugs for Atopic Eczema. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 2018;27(8):637-47. |
12. |
Wang Y, Yan BPY, Nichol M, Tomlinson B, Lee VWY. Clinical and economic analysis of lipid goal attainments in Chinese post-percutaneous coronary intervention acute coronary syndrome patients. Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis 2018; 25: 000-000. http://doi.org/10.5551/jat.44818 |
13. |
Beaney T, Schutte AE, Tomaszewhki M, Ariti C, Burrell LM, Castillo RR, Charchar FJ, Damasceno A, Kruger R, Lackland DT, Nilsson PM, Prabhakaran D, Ramirez AJ, Schlaich MP, Wang J, Weber MA, Neil R Poulter, on behalf of the MMM investigators. May Measurement Month 2017: an analysis of blood pressure screening results worldwide. Lancet Global Health 2018 May 16. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(18)30259-6 |
14. |
Hon KL, Kung JSC, Tsang KYC, Yu JWS, Lee VWY and Leung TF. Testing the Actions of a Multi-action Emollient: Patient’s Acceptability Determines Product Efficacy. Current Pediatric Reviews 2018 Feb 20. Doi:10.2174/1573396313666171117114005. |
15. |
Cheng FWT and Lee VWY. Multidisciplinary Care for Better Clinical Outcomes – Role of Pharmacists on Medication Management. Hong Kong Medical Journal 2018;24(2):96-7. |
16. |
Cheng FWT, So SWK, Fung BWT, Hung WH, Lee VWY. Online Drug Information Platform for the public in Hong Kong – Review of local drug information use and needs. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2018;114:27-34. |
17. |
Chau JPC, Lo SHS, Yu XF, Choi KC, Lau AYL, Wu JCY, Lee VWY, Cheung WHN, Ching JYL, Thompson DR. Effects of Acupuncture on the Recovery Outcomes of Stroke Survivors with Shoulder Pain: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Neurology 2018; 9(30): doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00030 |