SPED1002 Fitness Trends for Exercise and Health











Course Code SPED1002  
Course Title Fitness Trends for Exercise and Health  
Class Date 13, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 August 2022  
Class Time 1:00pm – 3:30pm
Teaching Mode Online with live lessons 
Teacher Dr. John O’Reilly

Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
The Chinese University of Hong Kong



  More about Sports Science and Physical Education, CUHK:

  1. Bachelor of Education in Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health
  2. gearSPORTSup – Pursue Dreams in Sport
Medium of Instruction English
Course Description This aim of this course is to provide the students with up-to-date and research-based information for understanding the latest fitness trends for exercise and health. This course will introduce a variety of popular exercise and training methods (e.g. high-intensity interval training, circuit training, functional training and wearable technology-based training etc.) and their associated benefits. Emphasis will be placed on the application of such knowledge upon the improvement of exercise performance and upon the promotion of exercise. The students will be provided with hands-on experience conducting laboratory work with examines the metabolic responses to exercise.
Course Content
  1. Introduction to latest fitness trends for exercise and health
  2. Physiology of exercise training: Training principles and benefits
  3.  Application of different training methods for health and performance
  4. Exercise and health promotion strategies
  5. Laboratory experience: scientific training and testing
  6. Seminar – Presentation of mini-group projects
Learning Outcomes After taking this course, students will be able to:

  1. Familiarize themselves with the latest fitness trends for exercise and health.
  2. Explain the objectives and benefits of different training methods.
  3. Discuss the relationship between exercise intensity/duration/modality and the physiological responses.
  4. Apply different training methods for health and sport performance improvement.
  5. Demonstrate the basic laboratory techniques on experimental testing.
Recommended Reading(s) / Reference(s)
  1. Kenny, W L., Wilmore, J. H. and Costill, D. L. (2015) Physiology of sport and exercise (6th Edition) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  2. Thompson, W. R. (2018). World Survey of Fitness Trends for 2019. ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal, 22(6), 10-17.
  3. MacInnis, M. J., & Gibala, M. J. (2017). Physiological adaptations to interval training and the role of exercise intensity. J Physiol, 595(5), 2915-2930.
Course Assessment Written Assignment (Lab Report) (20%)

Presentation (20%)

Class Quizzes* (50%)

Laboratory Work (10%)


* This will involve a combination multiple choice and short-answer questions from lecture materials and assigned readings.

  The above course information is subject to change and approval.
  Last updated on 2 August 2022