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Summer Institute (SI)
Typhoon/Rainstorm Arrangements
Arrangement of class/activities during the Programme (3 – 12 August 2020)
If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above/Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is/ will be* in force at or after the following times, classes, examinations and activities will be suspended as follows:
Signal is/will be in force at or after the following times | Class/activities suspended |
07:00am | Morning classes/activities |
11:00am | Afternoon classes/activities |
04:00pm | Night-time activities |
For classes, examinations and activities in progress:
Typhoon Signal No. 8 (or above) | Black Rainstorm Warning Signal |
*As issued by the Hong Kong Observatory
REMARK: 11 August 2020 is tentatively reserved for class(es) make-up in case there is any cancellation of class(es) due to bad weather or other unexpected factors. Students should pay attention to the announcement in due course.