MKTG4080 Digital Marketing

Course MKTG4080 Digital Marketing
Class Time Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 14:30 – 17:15
Teacher Dr. Rosette LEUNG
Course Description Digital evolution is posing a profound effect on the society and conduct of marketing. This course focuses primarily on the changing digital environment, consumer behaviour on the Internet, and marketing strategies in the digital age. Special emphasis is given to the selection and implementation of various digital marketing strategies and vehicles for developing integrated digital media marketing programs.
Course Outline/Syllabus Download
Prerequisite(s) MKTG2010 Marketing Management or permission from the OAL Office


Dr. Rosette LEUNG is a Lecturer in the Department of Marketing at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School. She teaches various courses, including Marketing Management, Global Marketing Management, Buyer Behaviour, Digital Marketing, and Integrated Marketing Communication. Her research interests span multiple areas, from social media marketing to internet-based relationships. She received her doctorate from the University of Bristol and a master’s degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science in the United Kingdom. Before joining CUHK, Dr. Leung gained over fifteen years of teaching experience in higher education institutions. She has also obtained rich industry experience as a digital marketing strategist and journalist.