Dear students, I would like to take the opportunity to share some of my memories about my student days during my undergraduate and postgraduate studies. For my Bachelor´s degree, I left Berlin for another city and a few friends helped me moving my belongings there. When they left, I stood on the street and felt […]

Founding Master Gold Medal

Open for Application: Founding Master Gold Medal for Graduating Students Established by the College in 2014, this prestigious award each year honors THREE College graduating students who have demonstrated all-round performance throughout his/her University study while at the same time obtaining excellent academic performance.  We are very pleased to announce that the Gold Medal Award

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Dear LWS students, We know pictures on Instagram don’t accurately describe our life. Real life is tedious and even gloomy sometimes. When I was listening to a podcast one tedious morning, the podcast anchor said it was the United Nations International Day of Happiness. At first, I sarcastically thought to myself, “What a strange day!”

#27 WS Teacher’s MessageRead More »

Dr. Sarah LUK 陸秀霞博士

Dear Students, 無憂樹下的纏繞與懷抱 乍暖還寒的時候,無憂樹開花了,不知道是否刻意還是無心插柳,無憂樹剛好站在十字路口之間,每每走到無憂的時候,我就要作出決定。有時,我會站立良久,不知如何是好,每當煩躁的時候,我會抱怨無憂,把我陷入兩難之間,我眼裡只看見眼前無憂樹和我一樣被纏繞着。然後,我會深呼吸一下,抬頭仰望樹上盛放的小橙花,告訴自己,隨心走下去吧,路路皆通,何須作繭自縛。於是,我再往前走,經過荷花池,踏入小樹徑、穿個石橋,回到無憂樹,我嚇然發現,眼前的無憂樹下原本是被纏繞着,但現在卻是被懷抱着。境物沒有變,心境卻可以,纏繞還是懷抱?一念。 The Saraca Asoca’s Embrace I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but the Saraca Asoca (worry-free tree) on campus is planted at the crossroads. I enjoy pondering in front of the tree. For example, once when I was agitated, I complained to the Saraca Asoca, why had I been

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Earth Hour

CUHK continues to support ‘Earth Hour’ this year.  To raise public awareness on ocean protection, non-essential lights on campus will be switched off at 8:30pm on 27 March (Saturday) for an hour. Lee Woo Sing College supports the event. The following area of the college will be switched off at the captioned timeslot: Water wall

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Prof. Ellis FOK 霍建霖教授

在元宵佳節,祝願各位與至親愛侶過得幸福甜蜜! 各位和聲同學, 提到幸福,我想起之前在居酒屋看到一支名『一生幸福』的大吟釀。少年人,請不要輕看這四個字!還記得第一次聽到這四個字,是我結婚當日,長輩給我和太太的祝福,那時候,我覺得只要能同諧白首就已經好了。到了現在,才真正感受到『一生幸福』這句話的重量,因為,這是在經營兩個人,甚至是下一代的幸福,而這門事業,是帶有「終身保養」的承諾。只有用匠心般的努力和時刻更新,才能體貼至親愛侶隨著歲月和環境而改變的需要。當然要做到並不容易,但努力過程中已能品嘗到如酒般的甘香醇。你們準備好令至親享受一生幸福未? Dear students,  Today is the Lantern Festival. I wish you and your beloved a wonderful festival full of happiness and blessings. Talking about blessings, I recalled a bottle of Junmai Daijinjo, “A Lifelong Blessing” when I was visiting an izakaya. Don’t underrate these words, boys and girls! I first got these words

#22 WS Teacher’s MessageRead More »