The Colours of Life
Out of the eight hundred paintings by Vincent Van Gogh, forty of them are his self-portraits. By creativity we often mean no repetition of what we have done before, yet that’s exactly what Van Gogh did literally — he kept re-painting himself, albeit he found excitement each time he did so. The paintings themselves tell the story: he never stopped refining himself. He always tried a new colour tone. Not even once a pose was identical to the others. The man himself was the same, what makes people surprised were the ways he expressed himself. You might be stagnant in studying, jobs or personal relationships. You might not be able to endure monotony and loneliness. Life seems lost and meaningless to you. Try the ways of Van Gogh! Try a colour on your palette which you have never thought of using before when you see only humdrum routines on the canvas of your life. Be aware of the ups and downs of your own emotion. Accept those dark nights of your soul while still awaiting the dawn of Light. Your life is as exciting as how imaginative is your brush!
梵高 (Vincent Van Gogh) 一生的畫作超過八百幅,自畫像就超過四十多幅。我們常說「創意」是不重複自己,然而,梵高卻是不斷重複自己。但是,每次的重複都為自己都帶來驚喜,他的畫作告訴你他不停在修正自己,不停轉調顏色,不停轉換角度,以不同的情緒表情展現自己,相同的人竟卻令人驚訝。你或許因為學業、工作或感情生活的重重複複而感到納悶,你可能因為生活的刻板孤寂而感到難耐和失去意義。嘗試用梵高的方法,在沉悶的生活中為自己調教不同的顏色及角度,體察自己的情緒起伏、接納灰暗、期盼光明。只要畫筆在手,人生從此不再單調。
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