WS Teacher’s message #2

Dear students,


今年,有幸參與與崔子揚教授帶領書院Mentor的訓練工作坊,與十多位二至四年級同學一起見面。這十多位Mentor將成為Peer Advisor,與一年級同學一起共渡這一年又緊張又不容易適應的大學生活。Mentor也會以師兄師姐身份與一年級同學同行、建立互助網絡及透過活動建立和聲情誼。在工作坊中,新一屆Mentor嘗試學習溝通的不同方法及基本助人技巧 (helping skills)包括聆聽、合適回應及給善意提醒等。Mentor們又想試交換心得,例如:如何與Mentee展開話題、如何介紹自己及如何邀請Mentee參與書院活動等。集合大家的心得更成為整個工作坊的重點,大家的建議成為Mentor日後的實用參考。由今天開始,一年級同學可能會陸續收到Mentor的一些邀請及關心,不妨積極回應你的Mentor,因為他們本着和聲書院精神為大家服務。

回想四年和聲生活,深深體驗到和聲同學的熱誠,今次參與Mentor工作坊,更感受到和聲精神活現眼前,預祝各位Mentor今年成為一個出色的Peer Advisor。

I joined Woo Sing College in 2018 and it has been four years since then. During these four years, I have got to know the teachers, students and staffs of WS, we experienced the ups and downs together and witnessed the growth of WS students. This year, I had the opportunity to meet with Year 2 to Year 4 students in a training workshop for Mentors led by Professor Harold Chui. The Mentors will act as Peer Advisors, staying with the freshmen during this first year of university life, building up a network of support and developing friendship through college activities. During the workshop, the new Mentors learned different ways of communication and basic helping skills such as listening, responding appropriately and giving kind reminders. The Mentors also tried to exchange ideas such as how to start a conversation with Mentee, how to introduce themselves and how to invite Mentee to participate the College activities. The highlight of the workshop was to gather everyone’s ideas and suggestions as a practical guide for Mentor to use. From today onwards, first year students may receive some invitations and greetings from their Mentors, hope that the freshmen will respond positively to your Mentors, as they serve you in the spirit of Woo Sing College.

Looking back on my four years in WS, I have felt the enthusiasm of WS students and I feel that the spirit of WS is alive in this Mentor workshop.

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