Prof. Harold CHUI 崔子揚教授

Dear Woo Singers, Autumn is here and the weather is great for outdoor activities. I had a chance to hike and watch the sunset recently. The grandness of nature reminds me that I am just one mini, tiny part of the universe. When we get caught up at work or in our relationships, we become

#8 Autumn is Here!Read More »

Dear LWS students, There are many problems around the World. It may seem like there are more problems now than ever before; but the fact is, there have always been problems, and unfortunately, there will probably always be problems. Things like diseases, war, famine, earthquakes, typhoons, etc. Some are man-made. Some are “natural”. One silver

#15 Don’t WaitRead More »

Dear Woo Singer, Welcome back! I hope everyone is safe and healthy in this trying time. I would also like to extend a warm welcome again to our 345 new students to the Woo Sing family. It is my pleasure and privilege to serve as your Dean of Students at Woo Sing. Together with Prof.

#1 Welcome BackRead More »