Too busy with exams and revision to dress up? No worries! Join the 2nd DARE Workshop to build up personal image!
Books are more often than not judged by their covers. A good first impression is so important no matter the occasion – job interviews, socializing or dating. So, how to make yourself look professional and smart? Dr. Haze NG, who is active in both international and local design and academic circles, will share his profound experience in personal imaging and grooming in the Image Workshop.
Don’t miss the workshop if you are planning, or have already applied for the DARE Scheme. Join the workshop and learn how impress the judges!
Image Workshop
Date: 17 January 2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 7:00 – 9:00pm
Venue: Agnes H.Y. Lau Seminar Room, LG1/F, Lee Woo Sing College
Instructor: Dr. Haze NG (Research Assistant Professor of Textile and Design Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Eligibility: All WS students and alumni
Enrollment Deadline: 13 January 2023 (Friday)
Enrollment WebForm:
Note to DARE Scheme applicants: If you are absent from the workshop without prior notification, the result of your DARE scheme application will be adversely affected.