梁知醫師 Ms. LEUNG Chi
BChinMed (CUHK)
香港大學專業進修學院中醫學深造文憑 (疼痛學)
PGCert in ChinMed [Pain Management] (HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education)
香港大學專業進修學院中醫專業實踐證書 (西方醫學婦產科學)
Cert in Professional Practice in ChinMed [Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Western Medicine]
(HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education)
Research Interest
精神障礙 (焦慮症,抑鬱症,飲食失調,睡眠障礙), 頭針治療, 中醫婦科 (月經不調,帶下病,盆腔炎、尿道炎等婦科炎症,更年期症狀), 疼痛治療 (神經病變疼痛管理,運動損傷及康復)
Research Interest:
Mental Disorders (Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Eating Disorder, Sleep Disorders), Scalp Acupuncture Treatment, Gynaecology in TCM (Menstrual Disorders, Leukorrhea, Gynaecological Inflammation such as Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Urethritis, Climacteric Symptoms), Pain Treatment (Neuropathic Pain Management, Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation)