梁鍵敬醫師 Mr. LEUNG Kin King

梁鍵敬醫師 Mr. LEUNG Kin King

  • 專業顧問 Professional Consultant

(852) 2873 3100


香港浸會大學中醫學及生物醫學學士 (榮譽)

Bachelor of Chinese Medicine and Balchelor of Science (Hons) in Biomedical Science, Hong Kong Baptist Univesity

香港大學中醫學碩士 (針灸學)

Master of Chinese Medicine in Acupuncture and Moxibustion, The University of Hong Kong

香港大學專業進修學院中醫學深造證書 (腫瘤學)

Postgraduate Certificate in Chinese Medicine (Oncology), The HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education


Certificate in Professional Practice in Chinese Medicine (Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Western Medicine)


Research Interest


婦科腫瘤、大腸癌及其他癌症的中西醫結合調治, 神志病預防及治療, 新冠長期症狀治療, 筋針治療軟組織損傷, 中西藥相互作用 

Research Interest: 

Integraive approach to oncology including gynecologic and colorectal cancers, Prevention and treatment of mental diseases, Treatment of post-COVID-19 syndrome, Sinew Acupuncture for soft tissue injuries, Herb-Drug Interactions


