註冊物理治療師 及 註冊中醫師 |
美國運動醫學會註冊臨床運動生理學家 |
香港中文大學針灸學理學碩士 |
香港大學中醫全科學士 |
香港理工大學脊骨關節舒整治療學證書 |
香港理工學院物理治療學專業文憑 |
香港中文大學中醫癌症治療專業文憑 |
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1. 全民戰疫冠狀病毒COVID-19 作者:方玉輝、趙長成, ISBN:9789621472083 出版社:萬里機構, 出版日期:2020/07/31 |
2. 不藥而癒的物理治療法作者:張婉君 出版社:匡健, 出版日期:2019/05 |
3. LAU K W, NG C M, LAU FO, LAW S W: Simulated Outdoor Training For Going Back to Community Holistic Orthopaedic Rehabilitation 2012. Proceeding, p.28. |
4. LAU K W et al :A Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial To Examine The Efficacy Of Electro-acupuncture in Managing Osteoporotic Vertebral Collapse. The Hong Physiotherapy Conference 2011, Proceeding, p.27. |
5. LAU K W, NG C M, LAU FO, LAW S W: Outdoor Accessibility Standard for Geriatric Hip Fracture Patients. Hospital Authority Convention 2008, Proceeding SSP6.2, Innovative Models of Care II, p.96. |

1. 全民戰疫冠狀病毒COVID-19 作者:方玉輝、趙長成, ISBN:9789621472083 出版社:萬里機構, 出版日期:2020/07/31 |
2. 不藥而癒的物理治療法作者:張婉君 出版社:匡健, 出版日期:2019/05 |
3. LAU K W, NG C M, LAU FO, LAW S W: Simulated Outdoor Training For Going Back to Community Holistic Orthopaedic Rehabilitation 2012. Proceeding, p.28. |
4. LAU K W et al :A Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial To Examine The Efficacy Of Electro-acupuncture in Managing Osteoporotic Vertebral Collapse. The Hong Physiotherapy Conference 2011, Proceeding, p.27. |
5. LAU K W, NG C M, LAU FO, LAW S W: Outdoor Accessibility Standard for Geriatric Hip Fracture Patients. Hospital Authority Convention 2008, Proceeding SSP6.2, Innovative Models of Care II, p.96. |