不孕不育症是人們關注的醫學難題之一, 對患者的情緒與家庭,以至社會發展均造成一定的影響。男女雙方的因素均可導致本病的發生,其中,多囊卵巢綜合徵、卵巢儲備功能減退等是常見的致病因素,而輔助生殖技術和中醫藥療法是近年來重點研究的領域。香港中文大學香港中西醫結合醫學研究所舉辦是次研討會,旨在集合此範疇的西醫、中醫等專家學者,分享現時最新的診療方法,交流研究成果,以及探討如何以中西醫結合治療模式為不孕不育夫婦提供更佳的臨床服務,詳情如下﹕
日期﹕ | 2023年3月12日 (星期日) |
時間﹕ | 下午2時至6時 |
形式﹕ | 網上Zoom直播 |
學分﹕ |
註冊中醫進修學分 (CME(CMP)): 3.5學分 |
報名連結﹕ | 請點擊這裡 |
查詢﹕ | hkiim@cuhk.edu.hk/ 2873 3032 |
Infertility is one of the most challenging health problems affecting millions of people worldwide. The causes of infertility could either be in the male or female reproductive systems. Managing polycystic ovary syndrome and diminished ovarian reserve, assisted reproduction and Chinese medicine treatment are some of the major research topics of infertility. In view of this, Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine (HKIIM), CUHK has organized this symposium, aiming at bringing together Western medicine clinicians, Chinese medicine practitioners and other experts in this field, to share the latest development of the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. It is a golden opportunity to get updated of the latest research findings, as well as the prospect on the practicalities of an integrative model on this important medical condition. The details as follow:
Date: | 12 March 2023 (Sun) |
Time: | 2pm - 6pm |
Format: | Zoom Live Webinar |
Accreditation: |
CME (CMP): 3.5 points |
Registation Link: | Please Click Here |
Inquiry: | hkiim@cuhk.edu.hk/ 2873 3032 |