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  • The Scheme of Control on Electricity Companies (Out of Stock)

The Scheme of Control on Electricity Companies (Out of Stock)

Pun-lee Lam

English , 1996/11 HKCER Paperbacks The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press

Tags: Hong Kong Studies

213 x 140 mm , 163pp ISBN : 978-962-201-754-2

  • US$18.00

Out Of Stock
Also available in print / e-version

In Hong Kong, the two electricity companies are subject to a Scheme of Control, which is essentially a long-term regulatory contract controlling both the rates of return and prices. The book is a study of the Scheme.

Pun-lee Lam is Associate Professor in the Department of Business Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interest lies in the study of government regulation of public utilities.

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