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  • 澳門的高等教育國際研討會論文集Os Estudos Superiores em Macau

澳門的高等教育國際研討會論文集Os Estudos Superiores em Macau

Universidade de Macau, Centro de Publicacoes

Chinese , 1996/01 Educational Studies Series, Education Policy Studies Series University of Macau

Tags: Education

290 x 215 mm , 372pp ISBN : 978-972-96791-0-0

  • US$12.00

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本書為1995年聖保祿學院250周年紀念所舉行的研討會論文集。書中共收錄來自世界各地包括葡萄牙、歐盟、日本、澳洲、香港、中國內地著名學者發表關於各地高等教育概況的論文,更著力介紹澳門的高等教育。本書並同時將各篇論文翻譯成中、葡文,實為研究高等教育者不可缺少的資料。 The original title is《澳門的高等教育國際研討會論文集》. This book is a collection of works presented during an international seminar about higher education worldwide. The seminar, commemorating the 250th anniversary of St. Paul's College, was co-organized by the University of Macau, Macau Polytechnic Institute, and Macau Foundation.

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