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  • From A Cottager's Sketchbook, Vol.1 雅舍小品選集‧卷一

From A Cottager's Sketchbook, Vol.1 雅舍小品選集‧卷一

Liang Shih-chiu (梁實秋) / Translated by Ta-tsun Chen

Bilingual , 2005/03 Bilingual Series on Modern Chinese Literature The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press

Tags: Literature, Translation, Bilingual, Bilingual Series on Modern Chinese Literature

213 x 140 mm , 408pp ISBN : 978-962-996-218-0

  • US$18.00

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Also available in print / e-version

This collection of occasional essays is brimming with elegance and charm. With the keen eyes of an artist, the author turns homely things into interesting subjects, produces curious vignettes from the panorama of society and reflects on the deeper meanings of life. His unique sense of humor enlivens the seemingly ordinary topics.

《雅舍小品》一如其名——雅逸雋永,親切率真。閱讀梁實秋的散文,恰如先生閒坐雅舍,笑談家中草木,點染社會百態,省思人生哲理;惟其尋常,也惟其可品味 。

Liang Shih-chiu (1903-1987) was the first scholar to have translated the complete works of Shakespeare into Chinese. He was also the editor of a number of popular dictionaries and textbooks. In the 1930s when a battle line was drawn between two lingustics campus: the vernacular versus the classical, Liang created a rich and effective medium by skillfully blending the two. A Cottager's Sketchbook exemplifies a new mode of literary expression, and endears him to numerous readers for decades. 

Ta-tsun Chen, a former student of Liang, was a veteran translator with the United Nations.




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