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  • Gender and Society in Hong Kong(out of stock)

Gender and Society in Hong Kong(out of stock)

A Statistical Profile

Robert Westwood, Toni Mehrain, Fanny Cheung

English , 1995/01 HKIAPS, Research Monograph Series Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK

Tags: Hong Kong Studies

295 x 210 mm , 166pp ISBN : 978-962-441-523-0

  • US$12.00

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This book examines gender and change in Hong Kong from the 1980s to the 1990s, which was a critical historical juncture of significant economic, political, and social changes brought about by both exogenous and endogenous factors. Specifically, it examines, through various perspectives, the interaction of three important forces, namely globalization, postcolonialism, and Chinese patriarchy, and their relationship with women's changing identities and agencies. Underlying these changes is the historical context of colonial modernity shaped by the integration of the colonial state, the capitalist economy, and Hong Kong society. At the heart of the study is the presupposition that these processes were infused with women's agencies and oppression, and provided at once obstacles and opportunities for women's liberation. The chapters in this book attempt to shed light on the issues by examining legal changes, political participation, the situation of working-class and professional women, sexuality, religion, and international migration. This introductory chapter will discuss the key historical contexts and concepts, and give an overview of the themes of the various chapters.

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