– Collaborative Research Fund

PI Project Title Funding Amount Start date End date
  • JIANG Liwen
Molecular Mechanisms of Autophagy and Autophagosome in Plants HK$7,209,550 2018 2021
  • JIANG Liwen
The First Integrated cryo-EM and cryo-ET Shared Facility for Life Sciences Research in Hong Kong (Equipment grant) HK$$9,500,000 2017 2020
  • JIANG Liwen
EXPO and Autophagosome in Plants HK$8,360,000 2015 2018
  • JIANG Liwen
EXPO (Exocyst-positive Organelle): Dynamics, Biogenesis and Function in Plants HK$7,356,000 2012 2015
  • LAM Hon Ming
Genomic and Molecular Studies of a Salinity Tolerance Locus in the Wild Soybean Genome HK$8,035,050 2012 2015
  • XIA Yiji
Identification of redox-sensitive proteins and characterization of their functions in regulating the oxidative stress response in Arabidopsis HK$5,000,000 2011 2014

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