
PI Project Title Funding Funding Amount Start Date End Date
1. GUO Dianjing Roles of two regulatory proteins in artemisinin metabolism and trichome function RGC GRF HK$1,460,500 2010 2012
2. HE Junxian Identification of downstream signaling components in the brassinosteroid signal transduction pathway in Arabidopsis — Functional characterization of two BZR1-interacting proteins, BIP1 and BIP2 RGC GRF HK$1,086,405 2010 2011
3. JIANG Liwen Molecular Characterization of Plant Exocytosis RGC GRF HK$934,000 2010 2014
4. JIANG Liwen Molecular Characterization Of Arabidopsis And Rice Vacuolar Sorting Receptor Proteins RGC GRF HK$1,783,000 2010 2012
5. KWAN Kin Ming Functional analysis of Sox9 in neural progenitor cells of cerebellum in mice RGC GRF HK$1,195,046 2010 2012
6. LAM Hon Ming The functional roles of GmSAL1 in enhancing stress tolerance via regulating the basal cytosolic calcium level RGC GRF HK$869,124 2010 2012
7. YU Weichang (Former member) Chromosomal adaptation during somatic hybridization and its application in chromosome transfer RGC GRF HK$1,061,910 2010 2012
8. ZHANG Jianhua Regulation mechanism of grain filling in inferior spikelets of super rice RGC GRF HK$1,150,000 2010 2012
9. ZHANG Jianhua (Co-PI: Tan Baocai) Genetic and functional dissection of Emb12 and Emb14 in maize embryo development RGC GRF HK$1,724,595 2010 2012
10. CHAN Ting Fung Revisiting co-evolution theory of the genetic code from a whole-genome perspective: potential applications in synthetic biology RGC GRF HK$709,264 2009 2011
11. CHYE Mee Len Investigations on stress-inducible Arabidopsis acyl-CoA binding proteins RGC GRF HK$855,392 2009 2010
12. JIANG Liwen Biogenesis of plant multivesicular prevacuolar compartment RGC GRF HK$1,192,567 2009 2011
13. KWAN Kin Ming Functional analysis of Smad genes in granule neurons of cerebellum in mice RGC GRF HK$1,064,049 2009 2011
14. LAM Hon Ming The roles of a novel G-protein binding protein in plant defense response RGC GRF HK$990,465 2009 2010
15. YU Weichang (Former member) Construction of rice artificial chromosomes RGC GRF HK$987,904 2009 2011
16. ZHANG Jianhua Regulation of the sensitivity of stomatal movement to root signal RGC GRF HK$659,980 2009 2010
17. CHAN Ting Fung Identification of genetic polymorphisms modulating natural variation in mRNA splicing in the human genome RGC GRF HK$1,348,616 2008 2011
18. JIANG Liwen Molecular Study of Plant Endocytosis RGC GRF HK$1,408,404 2008 2010
19. KWAN Kin Ming Functional Analysis of Lhx1 and Lhx5 in Purkinje Neurons of Cerebellum in Mice RGC GRF HK$1,146,611 2008 2010
20. TSANG Suk Ying, Faye Directed Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells into Cardiac Lineage and the Molecular Mechanisms Involved RGC GRF HK$1,136,464 2008 2011
21. YIP Wing Kin Molecular studies on two components OASS and SAT of rice cysteine synthase complex and cysteine regeneration during ethylene biosynthesis RGC GRF HK$558,965 2008 2010
22. YIP Wing Kin The study of plant hormone interactions on growth, development and physiological responses using ACC synthase gene suppression mutants in tomatoes. RGC GRF HK$801,613 2008 2009
23. ZHANG Jianhua Application of partial rootzone irrigation on cotton production in the oases of arid area RGC GRF HK$994,406 2008 2010
24. ZHANG Jianhua Application of partial rootzone irrigation on cotton production in the oases of arid area RGC GRF HK$994,406 2008 2010


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