
PI Project Title Funding Funding Amount Start date End date
1. ZHONG Silin Use the ripening gas ethylene and tomato as a model to investigate the molecular mechanism of tissue-specific hormone signaling RGC GRF HK$1,320,363 2016 2019
2. LAM Hon Ming Site-directed mutagenesis to delineate the interactions of a plant regulator which loves to interact RGC GRF HK$1,306,718 2016 2018
3. TAI Pui Kuen, Amos Factors controlling the temporal variability of East Asian dust: implications for air quality and climate through ocean biogeochemical feedback RGC GRF HK$501,255 2016 2018
4. HUI Ho Lam, Jerome Regulation of the biosynthesis of sesquiterpenoids by microRNAs in arthropods RGC Early Career Scheme HK$600,000 2016 2017
5. NG Wang-Kit, Danny Regulation and functional role of Arabidopsis miR163 and its targets in plant defense RGC GRF HK$565,370.00 2015 2017
6. TAI Pui Kuen, Amos Impacts of ozone-mediated ecosystem changes and biogeochemical feedbacks on air quality and climate RGC Early career scheme HK$1,158,901 2015 2017
7. XIA Yiji The Arabidopsis redox-sensitive bZIP68 protein: Does it function as a redox sensor in the oxidative stress response? RGC GRF HK$1,139,600 2015 2017
8. CHAN Ting Fung Integrative analyses of RNA-sequencing, bioinformatics and biological studies to define cancer-associated long intergenic noncoding RNAs in hepatocellular carcinoma RGC GRF HK$749,433 2014 2017
9. LAM Hon Ming The roles of the soybean Rj2/Rfg1 protein in the interaction with the rhizobial bacterium Sinorhizobium fredii RGC GRF HK$878,400 2014 2017
10. ZHONG Silin Epigenome reprogramming and chromatin accessibility during tomato fruit development RGC GRF HK$1,542,740 2014 2017
11. JIANG Liwen Molecular mechanisms of Golgi targeting and Golgi retention of endomembrane proteins (EMPs) in eukaryotic cells RGC GRF HK$848,712 2014 2016
12. JIANG Liwen Ethylene-induced Subcellular Re-distribution of EIN2 and Its Functional Implications SRFDP & RGC ERG Joint Research Scheme HK$400,000 2014 2016
13. NG Wang-Kit, Danny Mechanism of WRKY factors-mediated defense and heterosis in Arabidopsis polyploids RGC Early career scheme HK$617,353.00 2014 2016
14. TSANG Suk Ying, Faye The role of Angiotensin II and the underlying mechanisms in the regulation of calcium transients in embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes RGC GRF HK$744,788 2014 2016
15. XIA Yiji Extra Large G Protein 2 (XLG2) in Plant Immunity: What Is Its Molecular Mode of Action? RGC GRF HK$1,039,239 2014 2016
16. TSANG Suk Ying, Faye Role of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels in mediating cardiotrophin-1-induced cardiac differentiation in embryonic stem cells Germany/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme 2014-2015 HK$28,600 2014 2015



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