Media interview on cross-border cooperation in research and innovation


From right: Prof. Wai Yee Chan, Deputy Chairman of Research Committee; Prof. Rocky S. Tuen, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Hon-Ming Lam, Director of State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology; Dr. Chi Ming Lee, Director of ORKTS, CUHK.

Prof Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong guided the media to visit the State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology

Prof Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong was interviewed by media on cross-boarder cooperation in research and innovation. After the interview, he guided the media to visit the State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology, which is one of the State Key Laboratory in CUHK that received cross-border cooperation funding from Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) National Key Research and Development Program for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

News coverage:

Wen Wei Po 【港創科新時代】兩地共研農業 成果造福世界

Ming Pao Daily 中大農業技術實驗室獲國家百萬元資助 段崇智指新措施「令人興奮」

HK01 【北水撐創科】段崇智指香港科研投入偏低 冀重振「Made in HK」

HK01 【北水撐創科】中大農業實驗室獲國家百萬撥款 冀大豆研究攻全球

HKET 內地資金跨境到港 段崇智:港科研「個餅大咗」

Sing Tao Daily 「資金過河」中大獲批500萬人仔 申請書寫中文

Apple Daily 北水援創科 中大5中國夥伴實驗室各獲批100萬人民幣

South China Morning Post, Sustainable crop researchers at Chinese University of Hong Kong get 1 million yuan for studies and expect global impact to bloom

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