
  PI Project Title Funding Funding Amount Start date End date
 1. CHYE Mee Len Interactions of plant acyl-CoA-binding proteins with lipids and/or protein partner  RGC GRF HK$730,215 2018.11 2020.10
 2. HE Junxian Mechanisms by which brassinoteroids regulate plant photomorphorgenesis through GATA and MYB transcription factors NSFC-RGC Joint Scheme HK$1,250,000   2018 2021 
 3. JIANG Liwen Lipid binding proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana Germany/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme HK$89,600 2018  2019 
 4. JIANG Liwen  Molecular Mechanisms of Autophagosome-Endosome/Vacuole Fusion in Plants  RGC GRF HK$1,138,050  2018   2020
 5. LAM Hon-Ming (NGAI Sai Ming as Co-PI) Possible roles of a plant ribosome-associated protein on translational regulation RGC GRF  HK$1,034,257  2018  2020
 6. LUO Haiwei Roseobacter Genome Content Diversification in a Heterogeneous Ocean  RGC GRF  HK$848,714   2018  2020
 7. NGAI Sai Ming (Co-PI) Good-chop, bad-chop? Defining the activities of calpain-like cysteine proteases from oral Actinomyces bacteria RGC GRF  HK$966,838  2018   2021
 8. TSANG Suk Ying, Faye The role of TRPC7 channels in regulating the functions and maturation of embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes RGC GRF HK$854,494  2018  2020
 9. WONG Kam Bo How SH3P2 interacts with ATG8 in the autophagosome biogenesis in Arabidopsis RGC GRF  HK$1,274,389  2018   2020
 10. WONG Wing Tak, Jack PPARdelta activation attenuates endothelial inflammation by upregulating miR-181b  RGC ECS  HK$1,213,098  2018 2020
 11. XIA Yiji  Defining molecular and biological functions of Arabidopsis DXO, a protein that removes the non-canonical NAD cap from RNA  RGC GRF  HK$1,162,300  2018  2021 
 12. ZHANG Jianhua  Molecular mechanism of sensing moisture by rice coleorhiza during germination  RGC GRF  HK$1,220,589 2018  2020 
 13. ZHONG Silin  Pan-epigenome Analysis of Fruit Ripening  RGC GRF  HK$1,278,357  2018  2020 
 14. CHYE Mee Len Characterization of a fungal-inducible rice acyl-CoA-binding protein [17109917M] RGC GRF HK$963,344 2017.09 2020.08
 15 He Juxnian Functional study of a new MYB-like transcription factor in secondary cell wall formation in Arabidopsis RGC GRF HK$ 1,072,550 2017 2019
 16. JIANG Liwen Molecular mechanisms of FREE1 functions in Arabidopsis thaliana RGC GRF HK$1,384,395 2017 2019
 17. LAM Hon Ming Characterization of soybean multidrug and toxin extrusion (MATE) transporters that regulate the accumulation of flavonoid phenolic metabolites in soybean seeds RGC GRF HK$1,181,200 2017 2019
18.  NGAI Sai Ming (Co-I) Investigation of migration defects, and roles of cadherin-19 in sacral neural crest cells using a Sox10 mutant mouse model of human Hirschsprung’s disease RGC GRF HK$721,050 2017 2018
19.  NGAI Sai Ming (Co-I) Characterization of soybean multidrug and toxin extrusion (MATE) transporters that regulate the accumulation of flavonoid phenolic metabolites in soybean seeds RGC GRF HK$1,181,200 2017 2019
20.  NGAI Sai Ming (Co-I) MicroRNA flanking sequence: a novel target for studying microRNA arm switching? RGC GRF HK$651,203 2017 2019
21.  TAI Pui Kuen Amos Effects of agricultural nitrogen emission and deposition on air quality and climate through biogeochemical and vegetation feedbacks RGC GRF HK$540,824 2017 2019
22.  TSANG Suk Ying The role of TRPV1 channels in regulating the functions of embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes RGC GRF HK$893,792 2017 2019
23.  WONG Kam-Bo How the C-terminal vacuolar sorting determinant (ctVSD) of plant storage proteins is recognized by sorting receptors RGC GRF HK$1,124,086 2017 2019
24.  WONG Wing Tak Cardiovascular Calcium Signaling Pathway: Role in Health and Disease NSFC/RGC HK$250,000 2017 2018
25.  ZHANG Jianhua Use transcriptome analysis to uncover the genetic distinction between superior and inferior rice spikelets of different grain filling efficiency RGC GRF HK$760,796 2017 2019



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