NSFC and Others

NSFC: National Natural Science Foundation of China
ITF: Innovation and Technology Fund
AFCD: Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
ECF: Environment and Conservation Fund
HMRF: Health and Medical Research Fund
FEHD: Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
RFCID: Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases (Hong Kong)

PI Project Title Funding Funding Amount Start Date End Date
  • ZHUANG Xiaohong
植物自噬途徑的膜運輸調控機制 NSFC RMB2,000,000 2022 2025
  • HUI Ho Lam, Jerome
Field trial of horseshoe crab monitoring in Hong Kong using environmental DNA technique AFCD HK$1,399,999 2018 2019
  • HUI Ho Lam, Jerome
Population structure and identify genetic markers for conservation of incense tree AFCD HK$1,399,993 2018 2019
  • HUI Ho Lam, Jerome
Development of environmental DNA (eDNA) protocol for horseshoe crabs ECF HK$499,680 2018 2020
  • HUI Ho Lam, Jerome
Evolution of the special regeneration abilities of three marine cnidarians (jellyfish, coral, and sea anemone) and their situations in Hong Kong waters TUYF Charitable Trust HK$3,231,193 2018 2021
  • LAM Hon-Ming / HE Junxian
植物抗逆的基因組學和機理研究 National Key Research and Development Program – Key Innovative and Collaborative Science and Technology Scheme for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan RMB980,000 2018 2019
  • LIM Boon-Leong, Wallace
Real-time measurement of NADPH in plant cells NSFC RMB600,000 2018 2019
  • LIM Boon-Leong, Wallace
Investigation of a novel protein that interacts with TOC and TOM receptors Science, Technology and Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality – Basic Research Program RMB$300,000 2018 2020
  • LUO Haiwei
Evolution of Anaerobic Metabolic Genes in Marine Roseobacters NSFC RMB680,000 2018 2021
  •  LUO Haiwei
Environmental features and life evolution in hadopelagic waters National Key R&D Program of China (Sub-project leader) RMB1,453,600 2018 2021
  •  NGAI Sai Ming (Co-PI)
Evolution of the special regeneration abilities of three marine cnidarians (jellyfish, coral, and sea anemone) and their situations in Hong Kong waters HMRF HK$3,231,193 2018 2021
  • YIP Wing Kin
Agrobiotechnology for improving plant growth and crop yield (Co-PI: LIM Boon Leong) ITF HK$2,300,000 2017 2019
  • LUO Haiwei
Genomic analysis of coral associated bacteria in Hong Kong waters Hong Kong Environment and Conservation Fund HK$998,673 2017 2019
  • HUI Ho Lam, Jerome
Provision of Zika virus surveillance programme in mosquitoes FEHD HK$487,830 2017 2018
  • HUI Ho Lam, Jerome
Distribution and current infection status of African schistosomiasis transmitting snails in Hong Kong HMRF HK$99,799 2016 2017
  • LUO Haiwei
Genomic diversity of marine planktonic Rosebacters and the underlying ecological and evolutionary mechanisms NSFC RMB816,000 2016 2019
  • NGAI Sai Ming
The roles of histone H3 PTMs and flavonoid pathway in soybean tissue culture upon salinity inducible genes ITC HK$119, 978 2016 2017
  • GUO Dianjing
等离子体技术诱变培育新型环保用微生物的研究 Shenzhen Science and Technology fund for basic research RMB300,000 2015 2016
  • HUI Ho Lam, Jerome
Biology of the understudied jellyfish – Why are only some jellyfish edible? TUYF Charitable Trust HK$1,580,000 2015 2018
  • HUI Ho Lam, Jerome
Understanding the diversity of body plans in arthropods: appendage formation in crustaceans TUYF Charitable Trust HK$2,037,000 2015 2018
  • KANG Byung-Ho
Development of carbon metabolism engineering biotechnology to improve yield of crop plants Rural Development Administration of the Republic of Korea HK$1,700,000 2015 2019
  • KWAN Kin Ming
Investigation on ataxia disorder by using a novel genetically-modified mouse model HMRF HK$980,000 2015 2017
  • ZHONG Silin
Development of a plasma-based plant growth light for agricultural use Innovation & Technology Fund’s Innovation & Technology Support Programme Tier 3 HK$1,390,350 2015 2016
  • HE Junxian
Genomic studies on drought tolerance mechanisms of typical desert plants in Heihe watershed SZ Science & Technology Innovation Commission – SZ R & D Funds of Science and Technology RMB 300,000 2014 2015
  • ZHANG Jianhua
Network pathways and its mechanisms of IHR1 in integrating the ABA modulation for maintaining primary root elongation under water stress The Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Major Research Plan RMB2,000,000 2014 2015
  • JIANG Liwen
Croucher Summer Course ‘Cell and Developmental Biology’ Croucher Foundation HK$1,800,000 2013 2018
  • CHAN Ting Fung
A single DNA molecule detection platform for pathogen typing and identification HMRF HK$859,340 2012 2014
  • HE Junxian
Genomic study of drought tolerance mechanisms in desert plants NSFC RMB3,000,000 2012 2015
  • JIANG Liwen
Molecular Mechanisms of Yield and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Rice Croucher Foundation HK$1,250,000 2012 2015
  • ZHANG Jianhua
Shenzhen Engineering Laboratory for Vegetable Molecular Biotechnology
(Co-PI: YU Weichang, HE Junxian, TAN Baocai, GUO Dianjing)
Shenzhen Government RMB 5,000,000 2012 2014
  • ZHANG Jianhua
Mechanism and regulation in enhancing crop water use efficiency (Group leader) Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) RMB 6,000,000 2012 2017
  • ZHANG Jianhua
Peacock Innovation Program
Applied research of plant molecular biotechnology on modern agriculture (Co-PI: SUN Sai Ming, Samuel, JIANG Liwen, YU Weichang, HE Junxian, TAN Baocai)
Shenzhen Government, The Peacock Scheme (Overseas Talents Innovation & Entrepreneurship Funding Scheme) RMB30,000,000 2012 2017
  • CHAN Ting Fung
Transcriptome analysis of the multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii by a strand-specific RNA-sequencing approach RFCID HK$918,592 2011 2013
  • CHAN Ting Fung
A high performance computing solution to enable bioinformatics research ITF HK$1,142,180 2011 2012
  • ZHANG Jianhua
Partial Rootzone Irrigation (PRI) Water Saving Technique Training Pilot Project in the arid areas of Gansu Province Kadoorie Charitable Foundation RMB1,030,800 2011 2013
  • JIANG Liwen
Protein trafficking and organelle biogenesis Croucher Foundation HK$512,800 2010 2015
  • LIM Boon-Leong
能够提高农业、林业及生物能源产值的平台科技 ITF HK$998,000 2009 2011
  • SUN Sai Ming, Samuel
Identification and mechanistic study of genes related to crop yield, nutrition and stress tolerance National Major Transgenic Project RMB 3,500,000 2009 2012
  • ZHANG Jianhua,
    XIA Yiji
Using functional genomics technology to study the molecular mechanism of plant adaptation to water stress and improvement of crop water use efficiency Hong Kong Baptist University Foundation HK$3,650,000 2009 2012
  • JIANG Liwen
Plant Cells As Bioreactors For Pharmaceuticals National High-tech R&D Program (863 Program) RMB1,000,000 2008 2010


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