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2022-08-18 all-day
Asia/Hong Kong Timezone
The CUHKSOP 1st Annual Patient Counselling Competition is here, at the brink of the School turning 30!
** Open to ALL CUHK B.Pharm. students**
Key Details:
Prelim round(s): Week of August 1, 2022
Semi-final(s): Week of August 8, 2022
Final round: August 18th, 2022
Honourable mention finalists ![](
-Award certificate and prizes ![](
Practice and training sessions will be provided. ![](
“As we gain momentum toward provider status, it is essential that student pharmacists embrace their role as patient educators and the art of patient counselling” – Winner of the 2018 APhA National Patient Counselling Competition
“In combating non-communicable diseases (NCD), patient counselling and empowerment should be at the heart of it all”
Sign up today!