Press Releases
Highlighted Articles / News

Highlighted Articles
- 基於人群的薈萃分析:研究氯喹在COVID-19病人中的藥代動力學特徵 Population-based meta-analysis of chloroquine: informing chloroquine pharmacokinetics in COVID-19 patients (November, 2020) – Prof. Yan Xiaoyu
- 針對冠狀病毒的校對機制及藥物研發 Targeting coronavirus proofreading mechanism & antiviral drug discovery (August, 2020) – Prof. Billy Wai-Lung Ng
Highlighted News
- 中大港大團隊研新療法抑新冠病毒繁殖 (成報 A05 – 11 May, 2021)
- 港團隊發現丙肝藥可抑新冠病毒 (香港商報 A09 – 11 May, 2021)
- 丙肝藥混瑞德西韋 抑新冠強百倍 (香港仔 P04 – 11 May, 2021)
- 丙肝藥物證能抑制新冠毒 (信報財經新聞 A12 – 11 May, 2021)
- 晨早新聞天地 – 中大港大新冠研究 (香港電台 – 11 May, 2021 – Timecode: 1:05:12 – 1:10:20)
- 香港發現丙肝藥物 可有效抑制新冠病毒繁殖 (正報 – 11 May, 2021)
- Hepatitis C drug may help virus treatment (SCMP SPT14 – 10 May, 2021)
- 中大港大團隊發現 丙型肝炎藥助醫新冠肺炎 混合瑞德西韋增藥效 ( – 10 May, 2021)
- 研究:丙肝藥併瑞德西韋 新冠抑制效力增百倍 (明報 P05 – 10 May, 2021)
- 港大中大 新發現 雙藥抗新冠效果百倍 (大公報 A06 – 10 May, 2021)
- 協同效應 中大港大研丙肝藥抗新冠病毒 混合瑞德西韋 療效增逾百倍 (am730 A04 – 10 May, 2021)
- 丙肝藥司美匹韋 可抑新冠 配合瑞德西韋效力增百倍 料能應付變種 (晴報 P04 – 10 May, 2021)
- 研究:丙肝藥治新冠 可阻病毒複製 (東方日報 A04 – 10 May, 2021)
- 兩大學研丙肝藥治新冠 「舊藥新用」成效增百倍 (星島日報 A08 – 10 May, 2021)
- 丙肝藥「司美匹韋」 可遏新冠病毒 (經濟日報 A17 – 10 May, 2021)
- 「舊藥新用」成效增百倍 兩大學研丙肝藥治新冠 (頭條日報網 – 10 May, 2021)
- 「舊藥新用」成效增百倍 兩大學研丙肝藥治新冠 (巴士的報 – 10 May, 2021)
- 協同效應 中大港大研丙肝藥抗新冠病毒 混合瑞德西韋療效增逾百倍 (經濟一周 – 10 May, 2021)
- 中大及港大團隊研新冠新療法 或可減低死亡率 (文匯網 – 10 May, 2021)
- 中大及港大團隊研新冠新療法 或可減低死亡率 (點新聞 – 10 May, 2021)
- 港大及中大團隊:司美匹韋與瑞德西韋合用 或可減低新冠死亡率 (香港商報網 – 10 May, 2021)
- 中大港大國際團隊發現丙肝藥物可治新冠肺炎 (新城電台 – 10 May, 2021)
- 香港医疗团队正在研制新冠新药,希望降低药价减少死亡率 (健康界国际 – 10 May, 2021)
- 团队筛选藥物十多种研究 (澳門月刊 – 10 May, 2021)
- 中大及港大團隊研新冠新療法 或可減低死亡率 (香港新聞網 – 10 May, 2021)
- 團隊篩選藥物十多種研究 (中國評論新聞網 – 10 May, 2021)
- Simeprevir potent treatment for COVID-19: study (Shenzhen Daily – 10 May, 2021)
- 香港发现丙肝药物可有效抑制新冠病毒繁殖 (中國新聞網 – 10 May, 2021)
- 香港发现丙肝药物可有效抑制新冠病毒繁殖 (深圳新聞網 – 10 May, 2021)
- Hong Kong-led study discovers simeprevir as potent treatment for COVID-19 (ECNS – 10 May, 2021)
- 兩大醫學院發現 「瑞德西韋」配合丙型肝炎藥 新冠病毒抑制效用增百倍 (有線新聞 – 10 May, 2021)

Students Education
Immunization Training Program for Undergraduate Pharmacy Students
The outbreak of COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in healthcare. Pharmacists in many ways can contribute to lower the disease burden, including immunization service, with a precedent in UK, USA and Australia. These authorized precedents often initiated with vaccines against annual influenza and then expanded to other vaccines in the immunization schedule. In 2020, a “big step” has moved forward for all registered and practicing pharmacists in Hong Kong, where they can undergo training to become a qualified vaccinator. Herein, the School of Pharmacy aims to equip our undergraduate students with essential vaccination skills and techniques, so they are competent and confident to provide vaccination service to the public in the near future.

The immunization-training program consists of three parts:
- Face-to-face immunization practice: Students would learn how to handle and prepare vaccines for administration via intramuscular injection, intradermal injection and intranasal application. Pre- and post-clinical care considerations, documentation, prevention and management of needle stick injury, and protocol for medical waste disposal were covered during the interactive sessions.
- Basic life support: Students would learn how to respond to emergency promptly (e.g. fainting and anaphylaxis), acquire knowledge and skill in practicing cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillation (AED).
- Clinical skill and competency assessment: Students would be assessed by a qualified vaccinator on the components in part (i) and (ii).
The immunization-training program is now a part of the B.Pharmacy curriculum for students to learn and be familiar with the immunization service. Upon graduation, they can opt for additional practice to vaccinate real patients/clients under supervision in a clinical setting to become a qualified vaccinator.
Public Education
Public Education