About Us

About the Centre



The Chinese University of Hong Kong is committed to promoting cultural exchanges between East and West. Courses related to Catholic studies were offered since the founding of the religious studies program. In 2005, with a generous donation from the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, the Centre for Catholic Studies was established under the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies to further develop Catholic studies in the University. After more than a decade of steady development, the Centre for Catholic Studies has turned a new page in 2019 with the transfer of management to the Hong Kong Community of the Society of Jesus, whose prioritized apostolic works include higher education and academic research.



  • Promoting academic research related to Catholic studies;
  • Providing opportunities to young and new scholars of Catholic studies;
  • Enhancing academic exchanges among scholars of Catholic Studies worldwide;
  • Disseminating knowledge of Catholic culture.



Major Works

  1. Academic Research:
    Launching a scheme for visiting scholars /professors in Catholic Studies, inviting eminent scholars worldwide to the Chinese University of Hong Kong to do research, teach, or give public lectures.
  2. University Education:

    Academic members of the Centre participate in university education through teaching MA courses for the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK.

    Offering formation courses irregularly for Catholic teachers in Catholic primary and secondary schools.

  3. Academic Conference: Organizing conference related to Catholic Studies.
  4. Scholarly Publication: Publishing academic works on Catholic Studies, including periodicals and book series.
  5. Disseminating Knowledge of Catholic Culture: Making efforts to spread Catholic culture in various forms, e.g., public lectures, exhibitions, etc.

Latest Research Projects

  • South China Regional Seminary and Hong Kong Holy Spirit Seminary Oral History Project

  • Hong Kong Federation of Catholic Students Oral History Project

  • Social Reconciliation Project
  • Spiritual Growth and Catholic Social Teaching Project


