ARTS0002 Understanding Hong Kong Society









Course Code ARTS0002  
Course Title Understanding Hong Kong Society (香港社會面面觀)  
  Topic: Take on Hong Kong – The Revitalisation and Interpretation of Hong Kong’s Cultural Heritage (遊歷香港香港文化遺產的詮釋和利用)
Class Date 13, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 August 2022
Class Time 9:00am – 11:30am
Teaching Mode Online with live lessons
(Face-to-face sessions may be arranged if the COVID-19 pandemic subsides in Hong Kong later)


Teacher Dr. FOK Yeung Yeung

Department of History
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Medium of Instruction Cantonese
Course Description This course explores cultural heritage definitions and relevant conceptualisations in the local context. It introduces the historical development of cultural heritage in the contemporary world. It then further discusses the current legal and policy framework of local heritage selection and conservation. It requires the student to reflect on what heritage is and how heritage shall be selected and defined. Through various local case studies, students will explore the social relation between cultural heritage and the local community. They will debate how cultural heritage shall be interpreted from a local perspective but could operate sustainably.



Course Content Section I: Understanding Cultural Heritage

1.         What heritage is? The definition of cultural heritage and its historical development.

2.         Understanding cultural heritage in East Asian context.

3.         The current legal and policy framework of cultural heritage conservation in Hong Kong.

4.         The current situation of local cultural heritage conservation.


Section II: (Re) Interpreting Local Cultural Heritage

1.         Locating local cultural heritage in Hong Kong history.

2.         The connection between local cultural heritage and community.

3.         How to make use of cultural heritage sites well? The sustainable development of Hong Kong society.

Learning Outcomes 1.         Students should understand the basic concepts of cultural heritage.

2.         Students shall briefly understand the current development of cultural heritage conservation policy in Hong Kong.

3.         Students shall know how cultural heritage could be

connected with the local community.

4.         Students shall understand the importance of cultural heritage conservation and the diversity of cultural heritage interpretation.

Recommended Reading(s) / Reference(s) 1.         黃棣才Reconsidering cultural heritage in East Asia (pp. 31-46). London: Ubiquity Press.. 圖說香港歷史建築1897-1919. 初版ed. 香港:中華書局(香港)有限公司, 2011.

2.         周家建. 建人建智:香港歷史建築解說. 初版ed. 香港:中華書局(香港)有限公司, 2010.

3.         何佩然. 城傳立新:香港城市規劃發展史 1841-2015. 初版ed. 香港:中華書局(香港)有限公司, 2016.

4.         香港史學會. 文物古蹟中的香港史. 初版ed. 香港:中華書局(香港)有限公司, 2014.

5.         Hall, S. (1999). Whose heritage? Un-settling ‘the heritage’, re-imagining the post-nation. Third Text, 13(49), 3.

6.         Hsiao, H. M., Hui, Y., & Peycam, P. (2017). Citizens, civil society, and heritage-making in Asia. SG: ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute

7.         Lu, T. L.-. (2009). Heritage conservation in postcolonial Hong Kong. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 15(2), 258-272.

8.         Matsuda, A., & Mengoni, E. (2016). Introduction: Reconsidering cultural heritage in East Asia. In A. Matsuda, & E Mengoni

Course Assessment In-class discussion and participation (20%)

Group project – Take on Hong Kong Tour Design (50%)

Individual reflection journal (30%)

  The above course information is subject to change and approval.
Last updated on 6 April 2022