Home / Visiting Students / Secondary School / Summer Institute / Programme Policy

Summer Institute (SI)
Important Notes
Leave of Absence
Students who need to absent from any of the scheduled classes and activities, their parents/ guardian should submit a leave request to the Office of Academic Links on or before 5 August 2022 (e-mail: si@cuhk.edu.hk).
All days/periods of leave/absence, including sick leaves and absences from activities or classes must be reported to the Office of Academic Links. Failure to apply for leaves and absences as instructed will be considered as discontinuing the programme, no certification of achievement, statement of result and refund of paid fees will be arranged.
Programme withdrawal requests should be sent to the Office of Academic Links as early as possible so that the place can be given to applicants on the waiting list. Half of the programme fee paid will be refunded if we receive a written withdrawal request with a valid reason by 5 August (e-mail: si@cuhk.edu.hk).
The paid course fee(s) is in general non-fundable unless the withdrawal is with a compelling reason(s) and relevant supporting documents are submitted for special consideration which will be on a case-by-case basis. Should there be any refund, an administration fee at HK$300 per course will be charged. No refund will be made if a student is dismissed from the SI due to violation of the programme regulations.
Students who have an attendance rate at 80% will be issued a Certificate of Achievement. The Certificate of Achievement will be posted to students in October.
Statement of Result
Students who have completed the course(s) will be issued a Statement of Result. The Statement of Result will be posted to students in October.
Course Cancellation
The Chinese University of Hong Kong reserves the right not to offer/cancel the course(s). Refund of fee(s) paid will be made to students concerned if any course is cancelled.