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Summer Institute (SI)

Fees and Merit Awards


Fees and Merit Awards (SI 2022)

The programme fee for the 2022 programme is HK$7,200 which covers enrollment in two courses and all the enrichment activities.  A per-course tuition and a per-enrichment-activity fee is also available for students who want to take one course only and participate in enrichment activities according to student’s needs and preference.  The per-course tuition is $3,600 and the per-enrichment-activity fee is $200. For students who take one course only, an enrichment activities fee for joining two enrichment activities at $400 will be charged.

Fees Take
One Course
Two Courses
Early Bird Discounted Fees Programme Fee / HK$6,840 13 May 2022
Per-Course Tuition HK$3,420 /
Fee with Merit Awards HK$1,710 HK$3,420
Fee with Financial Assistance HK$1,710 HK$3,420
Regular Fees Programme Fee / HK$7,200 13 June 2022
Per-Course Tuition HK$3,600 /
Fee with Merit Awards HK$1,800 HK$3,600
Fee with Financial Assistance HK$1,800 HK$3,600
Enrichment Activities

  • It covers enrollment in two enrichment activities for students who take one course only.
  • The difference will be refunded after completion of the SI 2022 programme if less than two enrichment activities were enrolled.
HK$400 / /

All fees are subject to change without prior notice

Merit Awards (based on outstanding academic credentials)

Merit Awards (based on outstanding academic credentials) 


A number of Merit Awards, in the form of fee reduction, are available to students with outstanding academic credentials.*


Applying for Merit Awards

Step 1: Choose “Yes” as your answer in “Section 5 – Merit Awards for Outstanding Students (Fee Reduction)”.

Step 2: Provide the supporting documents according to the type of Merit Awards you are applying:

Merit Awards Supporting Documents Channel of Submission
Participants of the Program for the Gifted and Talented (PGT)


Participants of the Science Academy for Young Talent (SAYT)

Official certificate/transcript of PGT/SAYT Upload the document to “Section 9 – Supporting Document” of the online application system
School Recommendation









1.    School examination reports of the last two terms
(i.e. Final Term, 2020 – 2021 and 1st Term, 2021 – 2022)2.    School Recommendation Form
1. Upload the document to “Section 9 – Supporting Document” of the online application system.

2. Download a “School Recommendation Form” for your school principal’s completion

School Recommendation Form [JUPAS (HKDSE)]

School Recommendation Form [Mainland China (Gaokao)]

School Recommendation Form

3. Ask your school to submit it to the Office of Academic Links through designated CUHK online portal or email to si@cuhk.edu.hk on or before 13 May 2022.