
7 July 2017
Seminar by Dr. Anthony Pak Hin Kong
University of Central Florida
“The Cantonese AphasiaBank: A multi-modal and multi-level database of spoken narratives by native Cantonese speakers of with and without aphasia "
Dr. Anthony Pak Hin Kong is Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at University of Central Florida (USA). He is a world-renowned scholar in the areas of Chinese aphasia, discourse analyses, and neurogenic communication disorders in multilingual speakers. Apart from giving over 100 presentations at professional meetings, he has a wide range of publications including, textbooks, clinical handbooks, standardized language and cognitive assessments, and peer-reviewed journal articles in the area of speech-and-language pathology.

19 September 2016
Seminar by Professor Nicholas Christakis, Sol Goldman Family Professor of Social and Natural Science, Yale University
“Social Network Experiments"
Human beings choose their friends, neighbors, and co-workers, and we inherit our relatives; and each of the people to whom we are connected also does the same, such that, in the end, we humans assemble ourselves into vast, face-to-face networks. Why do we do this? And how might an understanding of human social network structure and function be used to intervene in the world to make it better? Here, I review recent research from our lab describing two classes of interventions involving both offline and online networks that can help make the world better: (1) interventions that rewire the connections between people, and (2) interventions that manipulate social contagion, facilitating the flow of desirable properties within groups. I will illustrate what can be done using a variety of experiments in settings as diverse as fostering cooperation in networked groups online, to fostering health behavior change in developing world villages, to facilitating the diffusion of innovation or coordination in groups. By taking account of people's structural embeddedness in social networks, and by understanding social influence, it is possible to intervene in social systems to enhance desirable population-level properties as diverse as health, wealth, cooperation, creativity, civic engagement, and immunity.

27 April 2016
Seminar by Professor Mehran Mesbahi
University of Washington
“Data-guided Control of Networked Dynamic Systems"
In this seminar we will explore how time series data, in conjunction with models, can be used to reason about influence and control of networked dynamic systems in areas where a control theoretic perspective is instrumental, yet not fully explored. Examples discussed in the presentation include infrastructure networks, energy and power networks, and distributed optimization and learning on networks. If time permits, we will also discuss system theoretic features of network formation, network adaptation, and dynamic network processes.

29 January 2016
Seminar by Professor Timothy De Ver Dye, Professor, University of Rochester School of Medicine
“DATA DIPLOMACY: At the New Intersection of Technology, Policy, and International Relations"
Data diplomacy enables the use of “big data” for societal benefit. Data Diplomacy creates, supports, or maintains technical or social relationships to mitigate barriers to action among stakeholders by enabling the use of data for societal benefit. The contemporary ability to amass large amounts of data – and the methods to manage and analyze it – increasingly creates need to 1) develop new methods for managing the relationships between data generators, processors, analyzers, and users, 2) curate such data as a resource, and 3) enable use of data for public good. The transformation of data from externally-collected data processes toward data which is directly generated by consumers and citizens, for example as a consequence of service consumption (like browsing using Google) or the “internet of things” (smart appliances) – ......

18 December 2015
Seminar by Dr. Haizhou Li, Dr. Minghui Dong and Dr. Yvonne LeeInstitute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore
“Recent works on voice transformation and synthesis in I2R"
This talk is divided into three parts. In the first part, we will briefly introduce our work in Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore, in particular, Human Language Technology Department and Voice Analysis and Synthesis Lab. The second part is about singing synthesis. An overview will be given to address our effort on speech synthesis, singing synthesis, voice analysis. The details of our recent effort on singing synthesis will be presented. The last part of the presentation is about voice conversion. We have recently introduced a system fusion framework, which leverages and synergizes the merits of state-of-the-art and even potential future conversion methods. For instance, methods delivering high speech quality are fused with methods capturing speaker characteristics, bring another level of performance gain. Experiments were conducted to examine the feasibility of the above fusion framework. It is revealed that the fusion system outperforms each individual method in both objective and subjective evaluation, and demonstrate its potential and effectiveness.
17 November 2015
Seminar by Prof. Ralph Schroeder, Professor
Oxford Internet Institute
University of Oxford
“Big Data and Media Theory"
You are cordially invited to attend a public talk to be delivered by Prof. Ralph Schroeder on the topic of Big Data and Media Theory under the School of Journalism and Communication 50th Anniversary Seminar Series on Tuesday, 17 November 2015 (2:30pm – 4:00pm) at Room 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Please refer to the poster below for details.
Seats are reserved on first-come-first-served basis. Interested parties, please register via our School event booking system by 12:00nn, Monday, 16 November 2015. We look forward to seeing you at the event. Thank you.
23 October 2015
Seminar by Prof. Teck-hua HoEditor-in-Chief, Management Science
Deputy President (Research & Technology)
National University of Singapore
William Halford Jr. Family Professor of Marketing
“Does Big Data Solve Big Problems?"
Date : 23 October 2015 (Friday)
Time : 1030 -1200
Venue : LT2, Cheng Yu Tung Building, CUHK
There is enormous excitement about big data because it promises to solve major societal problems. We assemble big data in transport and healthcare with an objective to reduce the rate of car accidents and prevent late-stage breast cancer. We show that big data must satisfy a set of necessary conditions for it to be useful for solving big societal problems.
30 June 2015
Seminar by Prof. Liran Einav
Stanford University
“Learning about Customers and Market using Internet Data"
Professor Liran Einav is the Professor of Department of Economics at Stanford University. Professor Einav is a leading economist in applied Microeconomics and he published papers in most of the top economics journals. He is currently a co-editor of Econometrica and the associated editor of American Economic Journal-Microeconomics, Rand Journal of Economics, and Quantitative Economics. In particular, he is a researcher in "Big Data" and published the paper "Economics in the Age of Big Data" in Science.
29 January 2015
Seminar by Dr. Eric Chang
Microsoft Research Asia
“Datafication of the World: People, Community, and Physical Space"
While Big Data has become a popular phrase in recent years, in this talk, I will discuss how using data to better model, interpret, and represent the world has been a continual process throughout the ages. Data allow us to build models to understand how the world functions, so that we can make better predictions and decisions and view the world from new perspectives. I will use research projects from Microsoft Research Asia in the areas of graphics, HCI, healthcare, and urban informatics to illustrate how data provide novel and richer ways to engage with people, community, and the physical space.
24 October 2014
Seminar by Prof. Chris Terman
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Topic 1: Lessons Learned (so far) at edX"
edX was founded by MIT and Harvard in 2012 to pursue three missions: expand access to education for everyone, enhance teaching and learning on campus and online, and advance teaching and learning through research. We’ve learned some interesting lessons while bringing up 300 courses from 57 partners that have reached over 3MM students. This talk describes our current recommendations for best practices for faculty building an online learning experience and for universities developing their online strategy.
"Topic 2: Current Research in Educational Technologies at MIT CSAIL"
19 June 2014
Seminar by Prof. Jiawei Han
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“Construction, Exploration and Mining of Information Networks"
People and informational objects are interconnected, forming gigantic, interconnected, integrated information networks. By structuring these data objects into multiple types, such networks become semi-structured heterogeneous information networks. Most real world applications that handle big data, including interconnected social media and social networks, medical information systems, online e-commerce systems, or database systems, can be structured into typed, semi-structured, heterogeneous information ......
2 April 2014
Seminar by Prof. Suchi Sari
Johns Hopkins University
“Discovering vocabulary in clinical temporal data with application to tracking illness severity in infants"
Large amounts of data are routinely collected in the Electronic Medical Record yet their use in informing patient care is limited to manual assessment by the caregivers. In this talk, we discuss probabilistic approaches motivated by clinical practice for analyzing continuously measured physiologic data….
18 March 2014
Seminar by Dr. Una-May O’Reilly
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“What is Happening on MOOC Forums?"
Computer-supported collaborative learning theory indicates that learning is more effective and knowledge ``sticks'' if students discuss course related topics and teach each other. In online learning settings forums are the primary means of student interaction. We are examining the forums of MOOCs to understand the roles of students who post…….
12 February 2014
Seminar by Professor Victor ZUE
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“HLT Meets MOOC"
MOOC, or Massive Open Online Course, opens the door for many applications that could benefit from human language technologies (HLT). For example, we may wish to summarize a lecture in the form of a précis for efficient search, categorize questions raised in course forums so that similar ones can be grouped to establish priorities ……