Physical Education Unit - Mr. TANG Tsz-ming

tm tang

Address:  Physical Education Unit, University Sports Centre,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, N.T., HONG KONG 
Tel:  (852) 3943 1410 
Fax:  (852) 2603 5275 


MEd, PGDE, BEd (CUHK). Past Experiences: Coordinator of Wu Yee Sun College (CUHK), Manager cum Coach of Hong Kong Delegate of 1st Asia University Woodball Championships (2013) and 4th World University Woodball Championships (2014) respectively. Team member of Hong Kong Woodball Team. Convener of Secondary School P.E. Department;Instructor and programme designer of Alternative Sports and Instructor of Leadership Training Camp (SSPE, CUHK); Instructor of PE Teacher Summer School (Woodball workshop) and investigator of action research; Guest Speaker for School Sports Programme Coordinator (HKSI); Teacher Development Consultant of Centre for Learning-study And School Partnership (HKIED); Rope Skipping Conductor of Hong Kong College of Cardiology (Jump Rope for Heart); Member of School Management Committee of Sha Tin Government Secondary School. Present posts: Coach and referee of Hong Kong Woodball Association; Coach of United States Professional Tennis Association; Coach of Hong Kong Swimming Teachers' Association; Captain of Hong Kong Adventure Corp. (HKAC); Moderator/Teaching Advisor of Teaching Practice (SSPE, CUHK), Coach of CUHK Woodball Team, Manager of Morningside College Sports Team. Teaches Physical Education required and elective courses.