Physical Education Unit - College Activities

Chung Chi College

Activities Date Time Venue Description
Chung Chi College Swimming Gala 30/9/2022 5:00pm - 10:00pm University Swimming Pool

Scan QR code for Enrollment

CC swimminggala 2022 qrcode

Chung Chi College Round the Campus Walk/Run 28/10/2022 1:30pm - 5:00pm Lingnan Stadium

Registration QR:


New Asia College

Activities Date Time Venue Description
NA Swimming Gala 28/09/2022 6:30pm - 9:30pm University Swimming Pool Details for enrollment will be announced through College mass email
New Asia College
5/11/2022 8:30am - 11:00am New Asia Amphitheatre to
Sir Philip Haddon Cave Sports Field
Details for enrollment will be announced through College mass email
NA Sports Day 27/10/2022 6:00pm - 10:30pm Sir Philip Haddon Cave Sports Field Details for enrollment will be announced through College mass email
NAWater Sports Training courses

1. Windsurfing Training Course


2. Kayak Training Course


9:30am-5:00pm CUHK Water Sports Center Details for enrollment will be announced through College mass email


United College

Activities Date Time Venue Description
UC Swimming Gala 27/09/2022(Tue) 6:00pm - 10:00pm University Swimming Pool

 On-line registration:

UC Sports Day 25/10/2022 (Tue) 6:00pm - 10:00pm Sir Philip Haddon Cave Sports Field

Online Registration:


UC College Head Cup 01-03/2023 6:00pm - 10:00pm United College  Contact to your Hostel / Hall representations


Shaw College

Activities Date Time Venue Description
SC Swimming Gala 29/09/2022 6:00pm - 9:30pm University Swimming Pool Details for enrollment will be announced through College mass email

SC Sports Day

26/10/2022 6:00pm - 10:30pm Sir Philip Haddon Cave Sports Field QR Code
SC Sports and Recreation Courses (Term1) 6/10/2022-17/11/2022 Please refer to the class time for each course Shaw College Details for enrollment will be announced through College mass email
SC Exercise Day 2/2/2023 6:00pm - 9:30pm Shaw College Details for enrollment will be announced through College mass email
SC College Head Cup 6/3/2023-17/3/2023 6:00pm – 9:00pm Shaw College Details for enrollment will be announced through College mass email
SC Sports and Recreation Courses (Term2) 2/2023-4/2023 Please refer to the class time for each course Shaw College Details for enrollment will be announced through College Mass email


Morningside College

Activities Date Time Venue Description



8:00 - TBC Sai Wan Pivilion to Sai Wan MC Rangers
Barre Training Fun Day


10:00 - 13:00

Table Tennins Room, University Sports Centre Details for enrollment will be announced through College weekly notice email
Woodball Fun Day 30/10/2022 15:00 - 18:00 Sir Philip Haddon-Cave Sports Field Details for enrollment will be announced through College weekly notice email
Fitness Introductory 10/10/2022 18:00 - 19:00 Fitness Room, Morningside College Details for enrollment will be announced through College weekly notice email


S.H. Ho College

Activities Date Time Venue Description
SHHO Runner Force




18:30 - 20:30

HCF Stadium  Long Distance Running Training
Water Sports Day (Windsurfing / Kayaking) 8,9,16/10/2022

9:00 - 17:00

Water Sports Centre Details for enrollment will be announced through College Dean of Students Office
Thai Boxing



17:00 - 19:00 Room G05, CCH Hall Details for enrollment will be announced through College Dean of Students Office
Aerial Yoga TBC TBC Off Campus Details for enrollment will be announced through College Dean of Students Office



Off Campus Details for enrollment will be announced through College Dean of Students Office
S.H. Hiker



Off Campus Details for enrollment will be announced through College Dean of Students Office


C.W. Chu College

Activities Date Time Venue Description PE participation marks
Wing Chun Class 11,13,18,20/10/2022 20:00 - 21:30 Activity Rooms, 2/F, CWC   4 marks after joining 3 out of 4 classes
Tennis Training for Potential Players 26/9; 3,10,17,24,31/10; 7/11 18:00 - 20:00 Postgraduate Hall Tennis Court   4 marks after attending 6 out of 7 sessions
Indoor Rowing Fun @CWC 23/10/2022 9:00 - 18:45 Fitness Room 2, 2/F, CWC   4 marks after attending one session AND completing two hours self-initiated training
MC x CWC Barre Fitness Fun Day (Term 1,2022-23) [postponed] 15/10/2022 10:00 - 13:00 Table Tennis Room, University Gymnsium 4 marks after attending the Fun Day
MC x CWC Woodball Fun Day (Term 1, 2022-23) 30/10/2022 15:00 - 18:00 Sir Philip Haddon-Cave Sports Field (HCF)   4 marks after attending the Fun Day
MC x CWC Squash Fun Day 20/11/2022 10:00 - 12:00 Squash Courts next to University Gymnasium   4 marks after attending the Fun Day


Wu Yee Sun College

活動名稱 日期 時間 地點 詳情
Free Throw Shoot 27/9/2022 (Tuesday) Shaw Indoor Gym

Organized by WYS Sports Association Application details: Please refer to College promotion (SUNNY WEEKLY)

Indoor War Game 8/10/2022 (Saturday) 15:00 - 19:00 City Hunter 

Application details: Please refer to College promotion (SUNNY WEEKLY)

Sunny Living Week  17/10/2022 (Monday) 18:00 - 21:00 WYS College Gallery

Application details: Please refer to College promotion (SUNNY WEEKLY)

Yoga Class 19/9-14/11/2022 (Monday)

19:00 - 20:00

20:00 - 21:00

WTS College W112

Application details: Please refer to College promotion (SUNNY WEEKLY)

WYS Campus Run 18/11/2022 (Friday) 11:30 - 13:30 WYS College

Application details: Please refer to College promotion (SUNNY WEEKLY)

HIIT Workshop 11, 18, 25/10/2022 (Tuesday) 20:00 – 21:00 WYS Gymnasium

Application details: Please refer to College promotion (SUNNY WEEKLY)

Resistance Training 8,15,22/11/2022 (Tuesday) 20:00 – 21:00 WYS Gymnasium

Application details: Please refer to College promotion (SUNNY WEEKLY)

Eco-cultural Tour: Hakka Culture @Kuk Po 29/10/2022 08:30 - 14:00 Kuk Po

Application details: Please refer to College promotion (SUNNY WEEKLY)


Lee Woo Sing College

Activities Date Time Venue Description
WS Warriors 14/9/2022 18:00 - 21:00 Multi-Purpose Hall LG3 Details for enrollment will be announced through College mass email
Aikido 24/9/2022 14:00 - 16:00 Hong Kong Aikido Honshinkai Details for enrollment will be announced through College mass email
Karate Experience Class 14/10/2022 11:30 - 13:00 Anthony Wu Seminar Room, LG1 Details for enrollment will be announced through College mass email
WS Athletic Meet 24/10/2022 18:00—21:00 Sir Philip Haddon-Cave Sports Field Details for enrollment will be announced through College mass email
Floorball Workshop TBC TBC TBC Details for enrollment will be announced through College mass email


Chung Chi College Round the Campus Walk / Run