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  • 澳門人口與發展 Population and Development in Macau

澳門人口與發展 Population and Development in Macau

盧文輝, 阮大元, 黃漢強, John E. Barnes (主編)

English, Chinese , 1994/01 University of Macau

Tags: Geography

255 x 175 mm , 658pp ISBN : 978-972-96005-4-8

  • US$29.50

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本書將澳門大學與澳門基金會合辦的“澳門人口與發展”國際研討會中發表的論文結集成書。有關論文由中國大陸、香港及臺灣等地的學者撰寫,除了研究澳門的人口外,還探討澳門的經濟、科技、政治、法律、社會福利及文化等發展。每篇論文均附有中、英、葡語撮要,讓更多讀者瞭解澳門的概況。 This is a compilation of work of one of the biggest symposia held at the University of Macau. These studies were prepared by scholars from different places including Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

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