Journal of Basic Education

School Leadership in a Time of Unplanned Revolution

1998.第7卷第2期(Vol. 7 No. 2).pp. 1–14

School Leadership in a Time of Unplanned Revolution


Phillip HUGHES


We are accustomed to thinking of the many changes which are needed in the schools for today and tomorrow. Changes in technology, in organisation, in community links, in teaching and assessment: all are under way. There can be no doubt about the need for such changes as social upheaval and technological innovation bring a revolution to our lives, a revolution which no one has planned or intended. Yet the most crucial response to change will be personal in character; the nature of the way people relate to each other in the organisation of schools and particularly the nature of the way that leadership is prepared for, exercised and improved. The paper makes a case for the "professionalism of leadership" in such circumstances and explores the implications.

