Education Journal

Different Intepretations of the Relationship Between Higher Education and the Labour Market and Predictions of the Effects of Higher Education Expansion in Hong Kong

1991.第19卷第1期(Vol. 19 No. 1).pp. 93–102


Different Intepretations of the Relationship Between Higher Education and the Labour Market and Predictions of the Effects of Higher Education Expansion in Hong Kong


Man-Sing YUNG(容萬城)


The article analyses the causes and consequences of the expansion in higher education in Hong Kong. Various justifications for the expansion, as well as problems which could result from it, are examined in the light of different theories of the relationship between higher education and the graduate labour market. The cost - effectiveness of the expansion and its effect on the ideal of liberal education, on society and on the perceived value of education are discussed. Finally, problems related to implementation of the expansion are examined, including declining quality of education, teacher shortages, poor preparation and insufficient numbers of entering students, insufficient coordination with actual manpower needs, the inability of education to replace experience, and the increase in tuition fees.

