Education Journal

A School Curriculum Mapping for Advancing Financial Education in Hong Kong

2022.第50卷第2期(Vol. 50 No. 2).pp. 1–26


A School Curriculum Mapping for Advancing Financial Education in Hong Kong


Christina Wai-Mui YU(姚偉梅)


In the 21st century, financial literacy is an important survival skill. Empowering school children to make sensible financial decision-making has become essential. A financial competency framework (FCF) describes a set of essential financial competence (FC) elements that inform people with the financial knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors, and motivations to implement and assess their personal financial literacy, which is a solid means for coordinating financial education (FE) in schools. However, in Hong Kong, FE in schools is scattered across some subjects and insufficiently embeds the relevant FC elements listed in its FCF. Hence, this study first conducted a literature review on the importance of FE in schools and the use of FCF in school FE, and took Hong Kong as an illustrative example for reviewing the use of its FCF in the school curricula through curriculum mapping and suggested ways for advancing FE in schools. It was found that most FC elements are relevantly well mapped with various learning themes or subjects especially for the Self and Society learning theme in kindergarten, General Studies in primary subject, and four secondary subjects, including Life and Society, Technology Education, Life Planning Education and Career Guidance, and Business, Accounting and Financial Studies. These FC elements can be further coordinated with a school implementation guide, teacher training plan, and assessment tools to advance the FE in Hong Kong.

Keywords: financial literacy; financial competence framework; financial education; school curriculum; curriculum mapping


