

2022.第50卷第1期(Vol. 50 No. 1).pp. 217–236



Exploration and Analysis of the Governmentality of History Education in Macao Schools

黃素君、張偉權(Sou-Kuan VONG & Wai-Kun CHEONG)


澳門的學校歷史教育近年成為了政府施政上的一個重要「行動領域」。它旨在重塑「國家」的觀念和認知,以至國民身分的重構。本研究從福柯(Michel Foucault)的治理術角度出發,檢視回歸後歷年的政府施政報告、相關教育法律和法規,以探究學校歷史教育的行動領域如何形成,以及歷史教育採用了哪些治理術。研究發現:


  • 它具有合法和合理性,以「一國兩制」為核心,以中華文化為共同價值;
  • 它回應了因政治回歸而形成的「人口」管治的需要;
  • 它通過「政治經濟」的管治意向,以「和諧社會」論述凝聚社會共識;
  • 它是一種「擴充式」的公民培育。


  • 透過正規與非正規課程,以知性和感性的技術推進;
  • 在政策上採取了時間和空間的分配藝術,以便有效檢視歷史教育工作的進程;
  • 延長免費教育的政策令歷史教育對學生發揮更大影響;
  • 《本地學制正規教育課程框架》、《本地學制正規教育基本學力要求》和教材的編寫令管治意向更細緻和準確地呈現。



Recently, history education in Macao schools has become an important “field of actions” within government policies. It aims to reshape the notion and cognition of the “country,” and reconstruct the national identity. Through the Foucauldian perspective of governmentality, this study reviewed the annual government policy addresses, the relevant educational laws and regulations since the political handover, in order to examine how the field of actions for history education in schools has been established, and what governmentalities have been used. The findings are as follows:

  1. The conditions for forming the field of actions for history education have included the following:
    • It is sustained by legitimacy and rationality, with “one country, two systems” serving as its core, and Chinese culture as the shared values;
    • It responds to the need to govern the “population” since the political handover;
    • It develops social consensus under the discourse of a harmonious society through the government intention of “political economy”;
    • It is an “extended form” of citizenship cultivation.
  2. The governmentalities of history education have been embodied in the following:
    • Formal and informal curricula exert influences both intellectually and affectively;
    • The art of allocating time and space at policy level effectively reviews the progress of work of history education;
    • The extension of free education allows history education to exert more influences on students;
    • The Curriculum Framework, the Basic Academic Attainments and textbook writing actualize the government intention more meticulously and accurately.

Keywords: history education; governmentality; civic education; Macao education; educational policy