
Job Satisfaction of Hong Kong Secondary School Teachers

1996.第24卷第2期(Vol. 24 No. 2).pp. 29–44


Job Satisfaction of Hong Kong Secondary School Teachers


Joseph Keung-Fai WU(胡強輝)


A bilingual version (English-Chinese) of the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) was administered to a convenient sample of 415 secondary school teachers to assess their job satisfaction with respect to their work itself, pay, opportunities for promotion, supervision, and colleagues.

As a whole, teachers were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. Among the five facets, teachers expressed the lowest satisfaction with promotion opportunities. However, they reported a rather high level of satisfaction with supervision and their colleagues. When group differences were tested by one-way MANOVA, significant effects were found for age, school type, and major teaching level. Teachers in the 26–30 year age group reported the lowest level of satisfaction with Promotion, Colleagues and Pay scales. Government school teachers reported the highest level of satisfaction with Pay and Promotion scales. Teachers teaching mainly junior form students (F. 1–3) reported the highest level of satisfaction in the Colleagues scale. Recommendations for increasing the job satisfaction of Hong Kong secondary school teachers are proposed.

