Education Journal


1990.第18卷第2期(Vol. 18 No. 2).pp. 153–164



From "Servile Education" and "Cultural Wilderness" to the Emergence of an Indigenous Culture: Cultural Development of Hong Kong and the Changing Course of China's Revolution

蔡寶瓊(Po-King CHOI)


香港本土文化的冒升與「香港人」身份認同的確立,是最近十年來出現的新現象。這個現象的產生,可溯源自五零年代香港與中國在社會生活層面的割裂,以及隨之而來兩地的分途發展。本文從一個歷史的角度,分析香港本土文化與「香港人」意識產生的背景及其經過,其中尤其 重描述香港華人如何拋卻戰後相對於大陸主流文化而言的文化自卑感,以及這種自卑感如何在中國現代革命的過程中衍生。最後,本文將簡單討論香港七十年代的學運,並解釋這場學運如何在意識形態層面上為「香港人」的身份認同揭起序幕。


Since the late 1970's, there is clearly an emergence of an indigenous Hong Kong culture and a sense of local identity. This process can be traced back to a period of unprecedented social and cultural severance between Hong Kong and mainland China since the Cold War era of the fifties. The present essay attempts to chart this process, placing its emphasis, in particular, on how Hong Kong as a community succeeded to shed an inferiority complex regarding its cultural stance as compared to that of the mainland. This essay further analyses how this inferiority complex has grown in the context of China's changing course of revolution in modern times. Lastly, a brief description of the student movement of the seventies, as a chapter in the development of the nascent indigenous identity, is made.